Ch. 8 "Scared"

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                                                   Daryl POV 

We all stood there in shock. 

And by we I mean me, Merle, Rick and Maggie as Hershel explained. 

"What do you mean internal bleeding you said she was fine." I said 

"Yes. but I also said we needed to keep a close eye on her because it could turn into internal bleeding." Hershel said worried, 

I ran my hand through my hand, 

"Okay.. uh. what can we do?" I said extremely worried

"I can't do anything without the proper supplies." Hershel said 

"What do you need?" Merle asked 

"I'll write a list. any questions as Maggie." Hershel said 

We nodded 

Hershel returned with a paper handing it to Rick. 

"Okay. there's a place nearby that will have this stuff," Rick said 

I went to follow but Merle stopped me. 

"Stay with Hayden little brother." He said 

"What?" I said 

"Hayden is a tough kid. but she's going to be scared. she's going to need you now." Merle said 

I hesitated 

"We're going to be back as fast as we can." Rick said 

I nodded 

I knew Merle was right. I thought 

I walked in to see Hayden breathing shallow. sweat falling from her face and forehead. she was focusing on the ceiling. 

I sit next to her. 

                                        Hayden POV 

I've been through pain before. my parents put me through all sorts of pain but nothing compared to this.

This was excruciating. 

Just breathing brought all sorts of pain. 

So I just gritted my teeth. making the ceiling the most hated thing in my sight glaring at the ceiling. 

My breathing was becoming worse. shallow and heavy at the same time. sweat covered my body. 

That's when I hear someone sit next to me, 

I slowly turn my head seeing Daryl. 

"So... what's wrong?" I said with raspy breathing 

He looked at me. not really sure how to say what was going on. 

"Is it bad?" I asked 

"Depends on who yer asking?" He said 

"I'm askin you." I said 

He chuckled 

"Considering yer fighting spirit... No, No it's not. because yer goin to fight this and yer going to pull through," He said 

"Then what's the problem?" I asked 

"Waiting for merle and Rick to get what we need," He said scrunching his eyes, 

"What's wrong with me?" I said getting tired of the vague answers 

"You have.... internal Bleeding." He said 

I took a second to realize what he said. 

"But they'll be back to fix ya up." He said taking my hand gently 

I nodded not really sure what to say. 

It was silent. 

"Do you... remember when we met?" I said in a daze looking at the ceiling 

"Of course how could I forget. ya right hooked me, then smacked me in the face with yer bow." He said 

I smiled remembering how we met. 

"Despite everything. I am glad I met you..." I said softly 

"Don't do that." He said 

"You know when we met. I was so used to being on my own for so long." I said blinking slowly recalling how we met. 

"I was convinced I didn't need anyone. that I could take care of myself. that I survived so long without anybody. that I didn't need anyone. that I could make it on my own. look out for myself. that's how it was since this entire thing started." I said 

"Yeah, you were a stubborn thing," He said 

I nodded 

"I'm glad I met you Daryl. you showed me not everyone is like them. that I do matter." I said 

"Even when I was being unreasonable sometimes...." I said 

"Hayden stop yer going to be fine." He said grasping the top of my hand, 

"I know.. I guess what I'm trying to say is I would rather have you as a father than my actual father. because you've done the things an actual father should do." I said breathing shallowly 

He didn't say anything. 

I slowly looked at him and he was smiling at me, 

"Damn took ya a while.." He said 

"Give me a break.." I said 

He chuckled 

"I'm scared.." I said 

"I know..." He said 

"But were goin to get through this together.." He said squeezing my hand lightly 

I nodded

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