Strange Meeting

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Notes from the author.: 

First of all, while writing, I realized this was harder than I thought. So sorry if my english is not the best, I will learn throughout the writing process, and please correct me anytime you want. 

Second of all... I wanted to thank ASMR Glow for her ASMR Magic Library and the inspiration it has brought me. I really really really love your videos, and I hope that you don't mind me using one of them as inspiration. She is totally amazing and I highly recommend you to see her channel. Here is the link to her video: 

And, if you like to read while listening to music, I suggest you see Clair de Lune, by Debussy, because it really matches the chapter.

Here you go:

The sun was almost setting when I left the campus, cursing on my way out. My professor kept me in class for 2 hours after the national literature presentation, telling me how much I missed not taking his recommendation. I could say nothing as I wanted to keep my grades high in his subject. I was already regretting this decision, though. The dense and lengthy book could never be compared to Machado de Assis. Well, what could, right?

I take some deep breaths and relax a little. I guess I have a long walk home since I have no idea when the next bus departs. São Paulo was ever a beautiful city, mixing the old and new in every little thing. I could be in the middle of a bustling street full of technological buildings and still find an old mansion from de XIX century.

Watching every one of them through my way, I notice a light coming from the sidewall of a beautiful baroque mansion. It was definitely not a new building, although I never saw it, let alone the neon sign in the door.

"LIBRARY", I read.

Hmm... interesting. No one at the university told me there was a new library in the city and, for a bunch of book lovers, this is pretty strange.

I didn't have to think much about it, as the door opened without further notice. I glance at the entry, searching for any sign of threat. Instead, I was welcomed by endless rows of bookshelves. It felt like they were calling my name.

The door slammed behind me as soon as I entered the room.

The antechamber led to a much-opened room, circular-shaped, still covered with bookshelves. Some sitting spaces dotted the room, a large desk occupied the center, and a woman was working behind it. Her vibrant red hair was the first thing that caught my attention.

― Hello. ― She said, putting down a cup of tea, when I sat in front of her. ― Is it your first time here?

Her voice was calm, paused, almost relaxing. Something mysterious surrounded the woman as if she had hundreds of years, even though she looked the same age as me.

― Yes, it is.

― I... don't see a lot of new faces. ― The librarian leaned over the desk, a gentle smile on her face. I notice her earrings are book miniatures. ― And your name is?

― Olivia, my name is Olivia.

― It's very nice to meet you. ― She started to type on the keyboard very slowly. ― Welcome to this quiet and magical library. So what brings you here?

― I would say curiosity. ― I answer, looking at the book spines. ― I can't really resist a room full of books.

― Oh, I see. Would you like some adventure? ― She smiles. ― We have a lot of these here.

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