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I know it's hurting him too.
I know the boys are hurt too.
And I also know that no matter how I feel now I'll be there for them til the end.Because I made a promise and I will keep it.

I read his first interview after he left one direction and I support him. If what he was doing didn't make him happy then yea he did good.It hurts me but I want to see him happy.BUT I'm confused and pissed off with his choise of a solo carier because he left one direction to have a normal life and I don't think this will be a normal life.I will always love him and I'll definately be a fan of him but I don't know what happened.Also now that all these happen between Louis and Naughty Boy I think Zayn should make it stop without taking noωones side but he chose to take Naughty's and fight with his mate...!!

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