Chapter 5

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Well I guess this is the episode that the toilet girl will begged to be spared and saying she have a baby to name... Wait...

She 19 👁️👄👁️ she to young to have a baby...

Yea I know she looks likes she's around 40 I guess but she is literally a 19 year old gorl did she got rape or something or she has like 50 billion boyfriend's-

I snapped out of my thoughts when the elevator door open to reveal the red period blobs. (I don't know why I called them that 😭)

I watch the toilet girl got to the ground and begged to be spared as some people join her.

I giggled a little bit as they noticed me "what are giggling about?" One of the man who joined the toilet girl asked "it's just *giggled* it's just you all look pathetic!!" As I broke down laughing my ass out.

I got up trying to control my giggling as I sat down at my bed as I Cross my legs (Criss cross Apple sauce uwu) "I'm can...... you can continue what you all doing" I said panting.

The man glared at me and Started begging AGAIN.

(Le time skip cuz I'm lazy UwU)

I was drifting to sleep till I heard shouting and more shouting

I felt my eyes twitch because of how fucking loud is she 🔫👹

Some time later finally the red period blobs let her in yay silent but no NO!

I heard literal groaning and shouting again 'I just want sleep' as I cried in my thoughts.

As always she is still groaning and arguing with her shit because how big it is she actually said 'it's was like letting out a baby 👹👹👹' yea whatever toilet girl theirs actually about 200+ people here that should be asleep but no NO!! we are stuck here listening to you groaning and shouting about you how big your shit is.

Finally she actually done 'pooping' even tho she didn't even poo I'm just glad I can sleep now

As I drifting to sleep 'AGAIN' going to dream land...


Heeeyyaaaaa!! So I have school work that's all I just wanna share my problem to all of you so bye ❤️

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