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Reina regained consciousness with slow steadiness, the dripping of water somewhere in the room the only thing she could hear. Her swollen eyes opened slowly, as if weighed down with lead, only met a solid blackness everywhere she looked and her heart skipped a beat, 'Am I blind?' She shook her head, hoping it would take away the darkness and let her see once again, but all it did was rattle her head in a very unpleasant way. She winced when her head began pounding through her temples with frightening force.

She bit down on her lip only to feel a cut on her jaw that stung from the dried sweat that had covered her face. She could feel a throb in her wrists where whatever was binding her sat; her fingers already numb at the tips. She struggled to remember where she was. 'What happened?' She pondered.

She kept blinking, waiting for her eyes to try and adjust to the dark, remembering eventually that she could see better with her dragon's eyes, she switched them. The room came into view with a lighter blue clarity. Surveying her surroundings she found herself tied up thick corded rope in a small, empty, and moldy smelling room. She strained her sore eyes and used her dragon eyes to try getting an even better feel for the room.

'Ugh, there has to be... something... I can use to get out of here...' the lethargy she was feeling was hard to overcome.

Batting the exhaustion away she did another once over of the room she was in and it was indeed tiny, just enough to fit her and one or two other people max. The sides were barely six feet away from her in any direction. If she were to try and straighten her legs she would take up half the room. Doing just so, she found out that her ankles had been tied tightly together, cutting into the thin flesh and rubbing it raw, her bruised legs were stiff and getting even more sore as the minutes ticked by.

With an abruptness that cut through the dark and pierced her eyes momentarily blinding her, she threw her arms on front of her, blinking frantically to regain her sight. The sounds of feet shuffling and of a rusty metal door closing echoed like a blast compared to the silence she had woken up in in the small room.

Rough fingers grabbed her chin and pulled her face forward, ripping the scab that had formed on her chin "Well, well, love. You've been out for a while now, honestly didn't think you'd wake up. I was afraid I'd never get to see that... well, what used to be such a pretty face." Adonis hissed by her ear. His foul breath bushed her face, the acrid smell of hard liquor stinging her eyes, making them water, his body filling up any leftover space this small room had.

"Now, no need to cry love, it's not that bad! I mean, I don't want to hurt you, but you really left me no choice! YOU... You, tried to leave me there in the rubble, which isn't very nice. You had to know what would happen of you tried to leave us. So, here's what you're going to do. You're going to be a good little girl and do whatever it is that I ask of you. If you scream or try to fight me at any point.... Well, you've seen my temper." He slurred.

Reina couldn't believe that she had loved this person before and how she missed the monumental darkness that seemed to ooze out of his every pore. She could hardly even recognize him, so poisoned by alcohol as he was tonight. He leaned over her viciously, looking down on her with his empty eyes; eyes that used to be such a pretty grey in the light were black now, the pupils completely erasing the color. Yes, she did not know who this person was anymore, and couldn't wait till she could never see him again.

She felt a change in the air before she could brace for anything, his fist came at her so fast that her brain couldn't register the first hit before the second one had already landed on her stomach, punching all the air out of her lungs and nearly making her puke if she had had the time. They came so fast and hard that she couldn't have cried out even if she had wanted to and had no time to tighten her muscles to lessen the damage.

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