Chapter 3: The Mysterious Entity

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Author's note: Now we are back to our scheduled programming of what happens with Jughead and Tabitha in the Blossom Family mines, now that we have a bit of insight/backstory on the mines themselves. Hopefully, you will enjoy it! This chapter is 2,175 words.


There we were. Two people who were standing outside the ominous, looming mouth of the Blossom family mines.  They hadn't opened for proper use since the explosion of Archie's home. When we walked over to enter the mines themselves, there were rusted and dusty helmets on a small bench outside its entrance. Tabitha and I both put one on before entering the dark abyss. 

Once we entered the mines themselves, the light that once illuminated behind us faded into black. Until everything was black; we couldn't even see ourselves. We both turned on our headlights and looked around for any sign of human life or the mysterious entity. As much as I knew that splitting off and going through different sectors would be more productive, I didn't want to leave Tabitha alone if she spiralled in here. She hovered close to me, holding my hand.

"Is this not your scene, my muse?"

"Not really, no. I like watching dark, scary movies as much as the next person, but being in a physical mine, submerged in darkness and not knowing if your grandfather is alive, dead or severely injured is not great. So, I'm just going to stick by you, if that's alright." 

"I don't mind at all, Tabitha. Just link your arm around mine, alright?" Tabitha nodded in the dark. We continued down this one passageway, which became narrower. Tabitha took my hand and squeezed it tightly. She was scared, and she had every right to be. Tabitha didn't know what was happening around her. She didn't know where her grandfather was or if he was even living. I felt Tabitha's hand begin to shake within my palms. Her breathing became rapid and shallow. 

"J-Jughead. Pause. I need a second."

"Of course. Anything for you, my love. Do you want to sit down for a bit? Maybe gather your thoughts if you want to. A lot is happening right now, Tabitha. It's probably overwhelming, so you can sit there and I'll stay with you. I'm not going to leave you alone here, I promise."

"Thanks, Jughead," Tabitha whispers. She sat down against the cold stone walls of the mine, trying to process things. "I feel like I'm lost in this, this whirlwind, Jughead. I don't know how to describe it. Like I'm the eye of the hurricane. I'm standing still in the middle while watching the chaos unfold around me. That is the best way I can describe it. Everything is unfolding around me, and my entire being is currently like a gordian knot. Have you ever felt like this before, babe?"

"Yeah, I've felt like that before. Where chaos surrounds you, and that is all you can see. The unknown is the chaos. I remember feeling like this years ago when I lived in New York just before returning to Riverdale. I had a book release party for The Outcasts, and I was an alcoholic—a horrible one. I'm sure you remember. And I spiralled that night. I somehow stumbled inside of this old, grimy alleyway. It smelled of garbage and sewage. And I had called Betty. I left her this horrible voicemail, and that was the beginning of my spiral down into darkness. After that happened, I just hobbled down this other alleyway, and I collapsed. Afterwards, I woke up submerged in darkness like this. I was in the sewers. And it felt like I was watching everything around me get destroyed by my actions, and I caused this whirlwind of bad things. But I think the saddest part was knowing that no one cared. No one sent the watchdogs looking out for me. Everyone just moved on like business as usual. But, I had hurt people. I apologized after the fact when I returned to Riverdale. But I know how it feels to have everything in the world spiral around you, and you feel helpless, powerless," I took Tabitha's hands and let them rest gently in mine. I gave them a tight squeeze before continuing, "but listen to me here, babe. You aren't helpless. You aren't powerless. We all have something going on inside us that makes us feel like we are alone in what we are feeling. But you aren't alone, alright?" I curled her nimble fingers into a fist and raised them as I gave them a soft kiss to comfort her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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