Part 1

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"Berries and cream! Berries and cream!" sang a young and happy little lad, who looked no older than six or seven years old. They ran in place and clapped their hands as they jumped up and down happily. "I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream!" Little lad sang, a little louder than before.
Little lad enjoyed singing the berries and cream song, and doing the so called little lad dance. Although they loved singing and dancing, little lad loved berries and cream most.
Little lad suddenly ran towards mommy, who was holding out a delicious bowl of berries and cream- little lads favourite. Mommy was a kind person, who loved her child dearly. She wore a long strawberry dress, with pink flowers braided elegantly into her wavy blond hair. Overall she was a milf and was also cottage core.
Mommy smiled back at the little lad handing them the delicious treat. "Thank you!" little lad said thankfully, and off they went jumping up and down once again singing that familiar tune softly. Mommy smiled as she watched the little lad laughing happily. There it was. That little lad smile.
Everything was perfect. Little lad was eating berries and cream and little lads mother was a milf. Nothing could go wrong in their perfect life.
Or so the little lad thought...

Berries and cream: A little lad tragedy Where stories live. Discover now