Revelation pt. 2

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Jane's POV
I was waiting for David to show up in the aisle when I notice that Kurt was coming towards me

"Hey Kurt...Do you need something?"
"Yeah, I want you to tell me how you know our prisoner"
"Why?? It doesn't concern you....and it's not like you care about me"
"Of course I care... Why would you think otherwise?

I didn't have the chance to answer THAT question, because David approached me.

"Everything alright here?"
"Yeah...just some catching up...Could you excuse us for a minute Kurt?"
"But..." says a shocked Kurt
"Ugh, fine"

As soon as Kurt left, I turned around to tell David what Raul told me

"So, what's up?"
"I want to tell you what I found out before telling the others because after that I have to tell them everything, even how I know him....and you know how hard it is for me"
"Of course...what ya got?"
"Well, I did some digging and I found that after being undercover in his organisation and arresting him, he went out of prison for good behaviour and began with his illegal things again, but the worst thing is that now his organisation  is responsible for the death of three girls"
"Jeez..and what caused their deaths?"
"Well, the first one was drugged and then raped; the second girl was abducted, tied up in a chair and then stabbed 5 times in the chest with a kitchen knife; the third girl was beaten up and then she was thrown in the acid"
"Shit.. we have in our hands a cold blood killer... I know you won't like this but we have to tell the others and interrogate our friend, and you know that the only one who can extort information from him"

After that we go to meet the team in Patterson's lab, when we enter I take a deep breath preparing myself for what's coming

"Guys, we have to tell you what we found out about this guy with the previous interrogation and you won't like it..."
"Why?What did you find?"
"Well, first I have to tell you that I already knew him way before arresting him" The gasps in the room were very loud.
"I was in an undercover mission for the NSA in his organisation in order to destroy the group... and well we arrested him, but obviously he got out....The real issue is what he did afterwards"
"What did he do?"
"We found out that three girls were killed by his organisation and their deaths weren't really peaceful because one was drugged and raped, the second one was abducted, tied up in a chair and stabbed 5 times and the last one was beaten up and thrown in the acid"
"Oh my God...How could he do that?"
"Well we want to know we're going to interrogating him right now"

As we finish briefing the team, an agent comes into the room with Raul, in order for us to be able to take him to the interrogation room.

Kurt’s POV
I cant believe what Jane just told us...That little piece of shit basically tortured three innocent girls for his own pleasure.

Even after the things Jane told us, I can still feel that something is off with Jane and that Agent Johnson knows it...I just have to wait and see if Jane tells me something, if not I'm gonna ask her many times and eventually she'll be frustrated enough to talk to me.

As soon as Jane finished briefing us, I saw Raul coming into the room with an agent.

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