Chapter 1 - universe shifting

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The wind was blowing particularly hard today?

Pure vanilla was sitting on his porch in the garden, golden petals were being swayed by the wind and the branches of trees in the distance were blowing leaves rapidly. His golden locks of hair were swerving in the breeze.
Pure vanilla looked over too the young cookie, Custard The III, who had a worried look plastered on his face.
"Custard, what's wrong? Is someone wounded?"
The young boy looked like he hesitated before speaking again.
"There's a weird portal, can we look at it together?"
Pure vanilla looked to see a strange portal with purple sparks. It had a familiar feeling, it made him slightly sweat.
"Oh..? Sure, lead the way."
Custard reached his hand out to grab pure vanilla's and ran to the portal, as soon as they came closer it was foggy. Which isn't what pure vanilla imagined that it was be like this close.

He looked at the portal and his hand came closer to the portal until he was right in front of it.
"Custard, go somewhere else - I'm going to investigate this and give updates."
Custard's blue eyes looked into the portal.
"Uhm, alright sir, if it pleases you. But please be safe - I depend on you to return safely."
Pure vanilla had a soft smile on his face before looking back at the portal, his hair still blowing in the wind.

"It's ok. Don't worry."

Golden petals (Pure vanilla x dream)Where stories live. Discover now