Murdered by Father's Hands...

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Tokizane. In his push-up position on his 32nd push, i never think that he is really capable of doing these exercises. He may be hot, he may be handsome, but exercise, his weakness. Tokizane collapses, with hard breathing, as the assistant took out her magnum and shot him in the leg. Everyone screams and scatters moving away from him. As he is on his knees holding the ground with his blood covered hands. His father, still emotionless directs the assistant to step away as he stands in front of his son. "Dad, what ever the fuck this is... I wont accept this, never. Even though I die...." He says fainting. "Then die.." As Tokizane's father took his SPAS-12 and blew his son's head off. Watching the dead Tokizane, his body falling to the the blood of his, starts to fill the solid smooth ground. "Go fight, or die... Who else joins him in death?!" The crowd went silent.... RJ went to Tokizane's dead body picked it up by the shoulders. RJ tears up, crossing his heart, as the rest of the class followed along,,,, including me.

A few seconds later, a sound of multiples alarm went on, it was Jane's. All of us turned around and looked at Jane. "Ummm, what is going on...?" Jane, breathing deep and heavy. Commander Shinjyu directs the Assistant. She walks to the center and explains. "Those leash bombs, attached to your neck, both shoulders, and both thighs, trigger for combustion. When someone with the same number, separated by gender, dies. Which means this poor big boy dead here has, or had the same number and nearest identification number as you Jane Ivanskuz. Jane falls down and runs around the base, as everyone screams and runs away from Jane. "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME GUYS, ARENT WE BEST FRIENDS?!?!" She yells in horror continue to run around. As the beeping noise got louder and louder. "BLOOSH!!!!!" Her entire body, combusts.
Manika, enlarging her eyes, pale, horrified by Jane's death. "Is this gonna be us....?"

Student 2; male: Tokizane Kamijo
Identification number:77001
Student 2; female: Jane Ivanskuz
Identification number:770012
Completely deceased......

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