1: The Cages

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*Ashlee's pov*

After Wrath took over I didn't know what he was gonna do with us. He put us in seperate cages.

"POMPEII!!" I yelled.

"I'm right here. Where are we?" He asked me.

"I don't know but what is he gonna do with us? I hope someone comes to save us soon." I sighed sadly.

Pompeii reached for my hand. Once he reached it he grabbed it and squeezed it a little.

"Dont worry,little sis. We're gonna find a way out. I promise." he told Me softly.

Then guards came in. They were holding onto two girls arms. One had purple hair and the other blue.

My eyes widened."Abby?! Serene?!"

The guards through them into  two separate cages behind me.

I pulled on the bars to my cage.

"LET ME GO NOW!!!!" I screamed.

Someone heard me but it wasn't who I was expecting to hear me. It was Wrath.

He unlocked my cage and grabbed my.arm tight. He then dragged me off far away from my friends and put me in a tube type thing.

"lights out..." he smirked before I blacked out.

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