Part 1-The Outbreak

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Ruby and Yang wakes up to the sound of bangs and screaming

Ruby:what the hell's going on, Wiess, Blake?

Yang:what's going on, where are Wiess and Blake?

Ruby:I don't know

A portal opens right next to them and Tomatohead walks out of it

Tomatohead:Ruby, Yang, I need to speak with you

Ruby:what's happened?

Tomatohead:a world of zombie's somehow knew about dimensions and they're literally taking over each and every universe, I don't know how the hell they did it, but they managed to do it

Yang:how the hell does zombie's know how to cross dimension's?

Tomatohead:that's the thing... zombie's are not what you seem, they're not walking brain dead creatures, if you become a zombie, you don't lose every thought, you just gain an uncontrollable urge to eat flesh

Ruby:well all that zombie comic's I've been reading were full of shi-

Tomatohead:listen, what they're gonna try and do, there gonna try and attack every citizen top to bottom until they're done with this reality, all we have to do is find a cure to go across this reality and I'll tell the remaining survivors in the next reality

Ruby:goddamnit, and today was an off day

Tomatohead:oh yeah I brought a bit of help aswell

Cloud, Joe, and Iron-Man gets thrown out of a portal


Tomatohead:sorry, I thought you guys were familiar with portals and what they can do

Joe:I'm familiar with portals but not the fact how they suck you in while to others it doesn't

Tomatohead:oh don't get comfortable just yet

Tomatohead points outside to reveal the multiple zombies

Iron-Man:okay that is a lot

Joe pulls out his weapon

Joe:let's get em'

Cloud:I wouldn't go charging for them just ye-

They all hear a knock at the door

Cloud:forget what i said, time to kick some ass

Everyone takes out there weapon and the door bursts down to reveal a zombie, Ruby shoots it, everyone looks at her

Ruby:what, it's a zombie apocalypse, obviously someone's gonna die

They all walk outside to find even more zombie's


Ruby:if you don't mind me asking, how are we even gonna find this cure anyway?

Tomatohead:well it's quite simple really

Tomatohead pulls out a device

Tomatohead:this device will track what we need and what we don't need, oh speaking off

Tomatohead yanks one of Yang's hairs out and places it in a tube

Yang:OUCH! What was that for you jerk

Tomatohead:your hair glows... that's all I really need to say

Yang:I was gonna get that hair done next week

Ruby:without... me?

Yang:I'm sorry you had to find out this way sus

Tomatohead:girly talk later girls, alright, next up we need some dust

Iron-Man:dust? I'm intelligent but I don't think that would work with a zombie potion

Tomatohead:no, in this reality, there's a thing called dust, it's a crystal that gives you powers

Iron-Man:so science screwed me over then

Ruby:any other ingredients or are you just going to keep naming stuff that we already most likely have

Ruby pulls out a dust crystal, Tomatohead takes it out and puts it in a container

Tomatohead:alright, there are 4 more to go

Ruby:and what are they?

Tomatohead:alright, we need a mushroom, a GRIMMS hear-


Tomatohead:okay, we need salt wate-

Ruby:got it!

Ruby pulls out a glass full of salt water and gives it to Tomatohead

Tomatohead:ok, are you just gonna keep giving me things or am I going to continue

Ruby:... sorry

Tomatohead:and for the last one, we need a GRIMM spider eye, so let's all split up, we'll all meet at the top of beacon when we're done

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

Tomatohead:okay, me and Ruby will go for the GRIMM's heart, Joe and Yang will go for the mushroom, and Cloud and Iron-Man will get the GRIMM spider eye, and as you know, meet up here once we're done

Tomatohead gives everyone a map

Tomatohead:your location's are marked on this map, go there and you'll find what we need

Joe:but couldn't me and Yang just find a normal mushroom from the ground and then we'd be done

Tomatohead:no, the mushroom we need is one that can only be found in the center of multiple mushrooms, I'll see you guys he'd once we're done, good luck

Iron-Man:you know, this guy reminds me alot about Captain America

Cloud:shut up and let's get going

They all go in seperate directions

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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