Chapter 29: Sine Qua Non (Ep 6)

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Hermione walked down the stairs as the large entryway doors opened. It was so rare for them to be fully open, as side doors were far more useful for both herself and Draco, and of course, a servant would never enter through the front doors. For them to be thrown open, she nearly expected the crown, or worse Theodore, to walk through the door.

She had yet to hear from anyone in the city. Not Theo, whom she had written to, asking about Pansy and Ginny and his wedding and his wife. Not Pansy, to whom she had written about her circumstances. Nor Ginny, to whom she had written asking about her health.

And most questionably... she had yet to hear from Regulus Black. Oh, she had not written to him, but she had expected a letter by now. After weeks upon weeks of constant notes requesting her presence, and him then showing up at her wedding reception, she had expected the letters to continue, and yet, nothing.

It gave her great concern - was something happening to her letters, or were those within the city ignoring her?

She nearly wanted to go back, but... no. She liked this life, out in the country. She liked being with Draco, and-

And she still didn't know the truth. Until she knew the truth of things, the truth of things with his father... The truth of things with his will...

She had not slept well the night before. Draco had come to bed late at night, and for the very first time, Hermione had pretended to be asleep. He had chuckled and crawled into bed, pulling her against him, but they had not had intercourse. Something about it felt deceitful - she opened herself up to him every day, and for him to keep things from her... until she could tell him, face him, she did not know if she could lay with him.

And then, that morning, she had been out of bed before he had awoken, out in the garden, and then to the village. She had only just returned, to see the doors thrown open, and-

Trunk after trunk began to come in. How confusing, to see so much. There looked to be some books, but also other things. What-

"Ah, there you are, Your Grace," Mrs Filch said, arriving at the bottom of the steps. "I have prepared a selection of samples for you to test, so that we can prepare for your meal before-"

"What is all of this?" Hermione asked, gesturing to the trunks as she cut the woman off. All of the trunks were coming from a cart outside, and straight into the Duke's office. What was-

"Letters from the city, your Grace, for the Duke. I do not know what exactly is within, but His Grace asked that it all be brought into his office, and that he not be disturbed."

So fast? Well, Draco had said he had sent letters the morning before, but for it to all be assembled and here already, how fast had Theodore put together the funds?

"Did anyone come with these items?" she asked, looking towards the housekeeper.

The woman stared at her blankly, clearly not understanding the question.

"The Duke of Nottingham, for example, or a Mr Charles Weasley. They are friends of ours, from the city, and His Grace had plans to write to them and ask for their help. I was wondering if they came with."

"No, Your Grace," the housekeeper said, shaking her head. "Just the trunks. And a stack of letters for His Grace."

The footmen all left the office, the last one pulling the door shut behind him, and filed back outside. So then. All of the trunks, whatever they were, were delivered. She could go into the office, ask Draco what they were, but... but something in the pit of her stomach told her that she would be lied to.

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