Authors Note

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To everyone who dreams about the magic they feel in their veins but cannot use, to those who sweat green and silver, that go to the wrong school, and just live in the wrong world. To everyone who wishes they could live in the Wizarding World.

I just want to thank everyone for all the support I received on tiktok! I never thought it would reach even 1/4 of the people it did. If you don't follow it all ready then go check it out for regular updates and frequent posts of my characters!

That being said, Eyes of Glass is now my book, all of my ideas and posts are mine and you cannot steal them. If you would like to post about them please give credit and message me before you do🤍

I do not own any of the characters or the Harry Potter books, just am writing my version of their story.

I have been thinking about this book for a long time, just little dreams here and there. It was an outlet of ideas for me, a place to just go and disappear, kinda like the whole harry potter fandom.

I am still a high-school student so I texted one of my friends about my ideas and shared a snippet of what I wrote and she told me to publish it immediately

But I needed someone other than my best friend who likes all of my work to tell me they would actually read it so I made a tik tok that blew up and then hundreds of people were telling me that they would love to read my book.

So here it is, Eyes of Glass!

Updates are not regular, I hope once I start writing more I can update every week but for now it will be every other week with some special updates:)

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