
759 10 45

If you got a tribe and got a leader or medicine cat, you're a "Stoneteller". If you got a queen, just be a mother or whatever. If you're anything else, choose to be a member like a hunter or guard of the Tribe.

(Choose a number from 1-10 -If you're not of a Clan or Tribe skip this)
1. Warrior
2. Kit
3. Apprentice (If in tribe, To-Be)
4. Medicine cat (If in Tribe, Stoneteller)
5. Medicine cat apprentice
6. Mediator (peace maker)
7. Deputy
8. Leader (If in Tribe, Stoneteller)
9. Queen (choose other if you're a tom)
10. Subrole (use if you get a fan made Clan; ex. Guard, scout, messenger, hunter, etc.)

I got a deputy. Not too bad, not too bad.

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