Sherlocks Begining

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He walked into the kitchen. Tea was brewing. The house was quiet.

John was fast asleep in his chair. They stayed up late, solving crimes. As usual... but. This one was different. "The Mysterious Box" as John named the title of this upcoming blog entry.

The title explains it. A old police telephone box. Recorded throughout history. The first know sighting is in Ancient Greece but some say during the Egyptian time period.

A loud whistle blared throughout the house.

John jumped up surprised looking into the kitchen. Mrs. Hudson rushed into the kitchen, turning off the stove and moving the tea kettle. "I'm so sorry boys! I got sidetracked." Mrs. Hudson persisted. John glared at her "No, it's fine. I had to wake up anyway."

Sherlock smiled. He looked at John. "Its rather late don't you think?" John was confused. He looked at his watch, "Oh no! Oh my it's 5:00!" Sherlock glared at him. "It's been 5:00 for 17 minutes!" Sherlock said sarcastically. "No, you don't understand! I was supposed to meet Mary 10 minutes ago!" John grabbed his jacket and rushed out.

Mrs. Hudson looked at Sherlock smiling. "Tea?" Sherlock looked at her. "Oh I suppose." Mrs. Hudson handed him a cup of tea still smiling. Sherlock mumbled his thanks and sat on the sofa. He sipped the tea slowly.

He dropped his cup hearing the noise. That one beautiful but unknown noise. Loud but quiet at the same time. That's when Sherlock heard a wooden door creak open.

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