Vs. Jade

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Jade: "Why did Argus not help Edenia when Shao Kahn attack?"
Elika: "I wish I knew Jade, but I do not have a clue"
Jade: "This makes me wonder if Earthrealm will have a similar outcome under your sons' protection with a new enemy"

Elika: "Still guarding Kitana?"
Jade: "She is my dearest friend"
Elika: "What happens if Kotal gets in the way?"

Jade: "How did you handle raising two gods as children?"
Elika: "Like any child, it is not easy but I manage alright"
Jade: "Share that with Kitana Kahn when she and Liu Kang settle one day"

Elika: "You are prideful warrior"
Jade: "I am honor to have such praise from a Elder Goddess"
Elika: "If Argus was here, he would say the same thing"


Aagin Friendly chats, also if you don't know whoes Argus is, he's the protector of Edenia where Kitana, Jade, Sindel and Rain were before Shao Kahn took over it.
1. Don't ask me where he was when that was happening 
And 2. I refuse to believe Sindel killed her husband for Shao Kahn >.> I hate that recon in 11

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