My Life

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My life

All my life I’ve felt insecure about my life. I struggled to accept myself, I wanted other people to accept me, I wanted to find the perfect man to sweep me off my phone and make me good about myself. You must be wondering what is that I couldn’t accept or feel good about myself right? Well I am what you call fat, chubby and unattractive; people befriend me or become attracted to me only because of my family and their riches.
At the age of 15 I discovered that I am gay and that made those who were in my life to vanish into thin air. I was hurt and confused; even my family could not understand nor accept me although they never said it. One day (2014 the same year I discovered my sexuality) at school a new student by the name of Miles Edward arrived and he was proudly gay. I envied him so much for that, he taught me how to accept myself and he told me to stop caring about what people say about me. With him by my side i learnt  a lot and I became so happy, but a need for prince charming never diminished although he told me to never depend on someone because if I do, that person will abuse my trust and cheat on me.
When I turned 17 (doing my senior year), I became friends with benefits with Miles until the end of the year when everything changed.

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