Little Secrets

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I was relaxing in my living room my parents, siblings, and my dog were asleep or so I think. My brother screams and I get up and run to his room. I open the door and walk towards his bed. Suddenly I get dragged under his bed. I see that I was pulled down by a young girl with short blonde hair and pure pitch black eyes. She pulls me out on command of my brother. He looks down at me. "Wait wrong person, let this one go."

"Ok!" The girl says,"Sorry that wasn't meant for you." I look at them standing side by side. "Who was that for? I can help you lure them in here." I say starting to feel connected to theh both of them. "Mom and Dad." My brother says with a bitter tone in his voice. "Ok i'll be right back!" I say bolting into my parents room.

"MOM! DAD! JACE IS IN TROUBLE!" I shout waking them up. They get up, a look of fear on their faces. We run to his room and my parents immeadiatly run at the young girl only to be turned in to a mushy mess.

The two children walk towards me. "Hey thanks! Also hi my name is Lily!" The little girl says. "You guys really enjoyed yourselves huh? Well I have a plan." I say and begin to explain to them what we need to do. "So basically we blame it on the dog?" Lily says. "Yeah." I say.

We get cleaned up and run into the nearest bathroom after smearing blood on the dog. We start fake crying and I call 911. I explain to them how our dog killed our parents. They arrive after a bit and take the dog away. Since i'm 18 I can legally adopt my new siblings. I let them go on sprees from time to time. I mainly let them do it on halloween.

No one knows it's us. But everyone has a little secret...right?

A/N I'm sorry about the dog I just neede it to kinda make sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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