A Happy Day pt 1

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~Izuku POV~

walked into the house smiling. Why might you ask? Because I just had an amazing day. It would have been a bad day except for one thing, and this thing made me the happiest person ever.

Ask me what happened!!!

~ask, you won't~

Well since you asked so nicely, I got ask out on a date!!!! I've never been on a date before. It's really exciting! It was Kaminari who asked me. He's really sweet and funny. I just couldn't refuse him.

"Izuku, what made you this happy?" Dad asked.

"50 bucks says he's got a date!" Toga yelled.

"HE BETTER NOT" Tenko screamed as loud as he could.

"Well?" Mom said.

"Himiko is right, I've got a date."


"Pay up loser."

"Aw man"

"Good for you sweetie"

"I want a background check on whoever your date is!"

"What's their name?"

"He's name is Denki Kaminari and he's really sweet guys."

I then left the room to pick out my outfit for my date. Since we're just going to the movies, I should wear something casual. I look through my closet for the perfect outfit. In the end I choose some fishnet tights, black shorts, a black crop top with the word error in red on it, black fishnet gloves with red leather gloves over it, and a pair of white high top Vans.

Once I finish getting dressed I go to Dabi's room to see if he likes my outfit. He's been like a brother to me since he came here, plus I think he likes Tenko. I nock on the door three times before I hear a faint come in. I walk in and hug him.

"What do you think?"

He inspects my outfit, seeming to be deep in thought. He nods then steps Infront of me.

"You look amazing zuku. I guess it was worth losing $50."

I smile and hug him again before asking him to drop me off. He agrees and grabs his keys. The car ride consisted of he basically interrogating me on everything about Kaminari. It was quite awkward at first but it got more comfortable.

Soon we had arrived at the movie theater. I got out of the car and looked for My date.

~to be continued~

wc: 379

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