Raaz part 2

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Riddhima opened her eyes and saw herself in a beautiful room

As the moment of last night flashed before her eyes, her eyes started watering


Doesn't she deserved to be loved

Why does she always get betrayal from the ones she loves

First her parents left her at orphanage
Then kabir used her as a pawn
And now
He used her and threw her like a tissue paper
And if that was not enough
He announced another women as his wife, humiliated her and sent goons to attack her dignity
How could he?
Oh he could easily
After all she was right
He was a HAIWAN
She was the one who was blinded by love that she overlook everything and kept begging him like a fool

The person came inside her room and saw her lost in her thoughts


Riddhima looked up to see her saviour standing at the door with breakfast in his hands

That was when she realised that her wounded were tended and she was in different clothes

A sudden fear arose in her heart

I had called a nurse
She cleaned your wounds and changed your clothes

R: why are u doing all this?

P: because i still have humanity in me
Iam not a devil like vansh

Coming near her, he placed the breakfast tray infront of her

P: eat it
And then rest
Yours wounds are still fresh
You are still weak and need proper care

R: does it matter

Hearing this, the person got angry


Riddhima looked at him surprised



If you need anything, just call me out
And i will be by your side

R: i never expected you to help me?
I thought you would help vansh

P: i can never hurt you
I would prefer to die rather than being the reason of your pain

Saying soo the person walked out

P: how to tell you riddhima
I love u soo much
For you
I can even kill myself
And take someone's life too
I know you are broken right now
And if i confess my feeling now
You will get scared and leave
Thats why
I will give you all the time you need to overcome your deadly past

Enough of vansh ruling everyone's life
We are not his puppets whom he can use as he desires
I will do anything to protect you
Even if it means killing vansh.

So majority of you think its vihaan
Well think again
Maybe its vihaan
Maybe not
Maybe it is someone else

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