Chapter 6

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I hope Dean's okay. Cas thought. He looked a little upset... maybe it was just a small hangover. Cas found himself worrying a lot more than he should. He only met the man yesterday morning, after he pulled up in that gorgeous Impala. "I need to stop worrying. He is going to be fine." He said out loud. It's a good thing no one was in the store yet.

Cas was stocking up the shelves when he heard the first customer come in. He waited for a moment for the customer to come around to get things but he never did. So Cas walked around and was met with a man dressed in all black with his back to him. The mystrious man had his head down low and was standing next to the shelf closest to the entrance. Cas walked up to the man. "Excuse me, sir. Are you okay?" The man didn't say anything but he slowly lifted his head up and Cas froze with horror. The man had a mask on and he was turned around with a hand in his jacket. Cas couldn't think straight. He didn't know what to do until the mans rough voice echoed throughtout the small building.

"Give me your money!" The man yelled.

Cas put his hands up and walked behind the counter. He opened the cash register and started pulling out the money. When the robber looked out the window to see if anyone was coming, Cas pressed the silent alarm button underneath the counter. The only thing that Cas hated about the silent alarm was, when it goes off, it locks the entrance doors. Meaning he's stuck in the gas station with a robber who has a gun and possibly a knife. Cas had all of the money in his hand when the man looked back at him. The man held out a small grey bag and told Cas to put the money in there. Once the money was in the bag, the robber started to run out the exit but was met with a locked door.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" The robber yelled.

Cas couldn't tell him no so he grabbed a set of keys and walked over to the door next to the robber. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears so loudly, he didn't even hear the police speed into the parking lot. Once the robber saw the cops, he shoved the money into his pocket and grabbed Cas by the arm. So tightly, it will most likely leave a bruise later. If I'm even alive later. The thought sent a violet shudder through Cas' body. Cas could begin to hear the police call out the man's name. "Crowley McCleod! We have the place surrounded! Come out with your hands in the air!"
Crowley McCleod. Why did that name sound familiar?

"Crowley, you do not want to do this! There is no escaping this time!"

The robber, Crowley, snorted. "Please, they couldn't catch me even if the end of the world depended on it. They never caught me before. Why would now be any different?"
Crowley... the robber. Cas started piecing everything together. The infamous robber who is known for taking a couple lives if he couldn't get out.

Crowley had his arm wrapped around Cas' mid-section. Even though Crowley was a bit smaller than Cas, he still had an advantage to him. Crowley was the one with the gun the Cas' temple.

Crowley reached over to pull his mask off. "Since they all know who I am, kind of pointless to keep this on." the mask dropped to the floor. 

"Please, you have the money. There is a back door. I don't think they have the back parking covered." Cas whimpered.

"I don't think so." Crowley said, tightening his grip around Cas' stomach. "The have the back surrounded. I saw a few cop cars go around.... Just stop talking!"

Cas just wanted this to be over. He once saw Crowley's robberies on the news and the standoff lasted for nearly an hour and a half. And the hostage didn't even live. Cas looked around for a way to escape and get out of Crowley's grasp. Maybe Cas can just talk to him. Maybe give himself and the cops more time.

"Please, let me go." Cas said quietly, nearly whispering.

"No. Because as of right now, you're the only thing standing between the cops and me getting arrested." Crowley said calmly.  "So you're stuck here."

It's been 45 minutes and nothing has happened. The police tried a negotiator but that failed. Crowley was becoming more angry each passing minute. He's growing impatient. Please let this be over soon. Cas thought. How did this day go from the best day ever to the worst? The entire time, Crowley had the gun pointed towards Cas but they were maybe about 5 feet away from each other.
Maybe I can just get the gun. Cas tried thinking this out. It might work. If something can destract him long enough, I can get to the gun.

Cas waited for something to destract Crowley but he most likely would have to wait for a while. Crowley was very aware of everything and didn't take his eyes off Cas for more than a couple seconds. He didn't know how he was going to get the gun. But as he was lost in in his thoughts. A voice came over the megaphone outside.

"Crowley, this has gone on long enough!" It was a womans voice.  "Just let Castiel go!" 

Crowley got up and stood a little closer to the counter. Here's my chance. Cas jumped up and attacked Crowley trying to knock the gun out of his hand. Even though Cas is somewhat smaller than Crowley, he can use his size to his advantage. Cas grabbed Crowley's arm and twisted it behind his back and kicked the back of his knee, sending Crowley to the ground. Cas bent down to grab the gun from Crowley's hand but before he could, Crowley reached into his pocket and grabbed a small pocket knife and swung around his  back, catching Cas in the stomach. Cas realizes he still has the gun in his hand so he hits Crowley with it before he can get up, knocking him out. Cas holds his stomach and when he pulls away, the thick red substance is dripping down his hand. He walks towards the door and one of the officers sees him. Everything starts to go blurry and dark, and the last thing he sees is the cop calling for an ambulence. Then he is sucked into the darkness.


Okay, I don't know when I'm gonna update again. Mainly for 2 reasons; I'm trying to keep my grades up and I'm not even done with Chapter 7. But I'll try to update as much as I can...
But anyways, hope you like this so far. This is the first ever fanfic I ever wrote so I'm seeing how it goes. I'll accept any kind of feedback. I want to make my writing better ^-^

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