Chapter 2

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Karl and I ended up training for hours on end, we did well in everything and obviously we got a little over competitive. The next couple days went by in a flash and today was the day I have been waiting for....mcc day. I logged onto twitch and set up my monitors and lighting. I had my facecam ready so I pressed Live.

Polka is Live!

As people started to flood in I greeted them all excitedly, after 5 or so minutes I logged onto the server.
"Okay guys aaa I'm so excited" I say
Once it's loaded I spawn in front of the main bridge surrounded by a few other people, I look around and see people running around, others taking team screenies.
"Looks like I'm one of the last people to join...oops" I say running around
"Oh look its Karl and Phil" I say running over to the two
Once I make it to them I crouch up and down and they do the same greeting me,
Karl whispered to you: Join Vc
"Oh yeah I forgot" I say
I quickly hopped onto discord and joined the call,
"What do you mean your by the bridge I can't fucking see you guys" I hear a thick British accent say
"Look harder" I hear the familiar voice of Karl say back
"Hi" I say awkwardly
"Polkaaaaa heyyy" Karl says
"Hello Polka" I hear the thick British accent say "my name is Tommy"
"Hi Tommy" I say laughing a little
"Hi I'm Phil" I hear a slightly fainter British accent say
"Hello" I greet back
"Okay now that introductions are out the way...let's take a group photo" Karl says
"I CAN'T FIND YOU GUYS...oh there you are" Tommy says
I laugh while I hear Phil and Karl sigh like they're used to this
Once Tommy has run over to us we all stand together, as I was about to take a screenshot 4 people came running over to photobomb it.
"Fucking dream team, FUCK OFFFF" Tommy yells
I go back into first person view and look at the 4, they all wore matching ghost face costumes which actually looked pretty sick. One ran over and bobbed up and down in front of me, I looked up to see their name was Sapnap
"Hey guys...what's a Sapnap?" I ask while mimicking the bobbing
They all laugh hysterically
I looked over at another one, their name was Dream and the one next to him was Michealmcchill, finally the one punching Tommy. I walked over and he looked over at me, I looked up at his name tag and my eyes widened...Georgenotfound.

George's pov:
"C'mere Georgeee" Sapnap says into his mic
I ran around the map while Sapnap chased me, we waited in the vc for dream and micheal to join.
About ten minutes later they both joined and we all met up, I see Sapnap looking over at something so I turn around and see Karl's team taking a group photo.
"GUYS LETS PHOTOBOMB IT" I say running over
We all laughed and bobbed up and down in front of them, I have to admit their skins looked awesome. I ran over to Tommy and punched him repeatedly until I saw someone staring at me from the corner of my screen, I turned and I saw a girl, she must be the new player. I look up and freeze when I see her's the girl I raided.
"Oh cool Karl must have the new player on his team" Dream says walking over to us
"Yeah...I raided her the other day" I say
"Really?" Sapnap said
"Yeah I had no clue she was gonna be in mcc" I say crouching in front of her
"Their skins look sick" Michael says while punching Phil
"I wonder who they hired to make them" dream says
Polka begins shifting up and down in front of me and I do the same, I see an excessive amount of comments on my stream calling me a simp.
"George cmon, we gotta get a group photo" Sapnap says
The rest of my group runs away and I follow after them
"You know that Polka girl had no clue who I was" I mumble
"Are you offended Georgie?" Sapnap coos
"Shut up" I scoffed

First person pov:
I watched their team run off, I had no clue he was going to be in mcc. I hear stomping coming from outside my door, and suddenly my sister bursts into my room.
"THATS GEORGE" she practically screams
I quickly muted and looked over at her,
"Hey! What did I say about knocking?" I say
"Sorry" she mumbles
"I'm watching Georges stream, they all think he's a simp for you" she smiles sheepishly
"Yeah right" I scoff
I turn back to my monitor to see my team shifting up and down in front of me probably wondering why I went on mute
"I've gotta get back to this" I say turning to her
She nods and runs back to her room, I smile at her giddiness.
I quickly unmute myself
"Sorry my sister came in" I apologised
"Is she a georgenotfound fan?" Tommy asks
I can practically hear the smirk on his face
"Yeah..." I mumble
"Does she know who I am?" He asks
"Probably" I say
"Hey Polka, you have a bit of an accent. Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking" Phil says
"Oh I'm from Australia" I say
"Ahh" he says
"Do you ride kangaroos to school?"  tommy asks
I roll my eyes
"Yeah actually, I have mine in my backyard. You have to be 12 to get your kangaliscence." I play along
"Really?!" He says genuinely
"Mhm" I say biting my lip trying to contain my laugh
Phil and Karl obviously caught on and I can hear their faint laughs
"I have a great Australian impression, wanna hear it?" Karl says
I sigh already knowing what's about to happen as this is the 10th times he's done this
"Oo yes go" Phil says
"GDaY MaTe, wANt a shRimP oN tHe baRbY?" Karl says in the worst Australian accent I've ever heard
I hear Phil and Tommy cringe
"First of all what the fuck is a shrimp" I say
I hear Tommy losing it and Phil laughing along with him
"It's a prawn dip shit, also you sound like a dying turkey" I trail off
My chat starts going crazy, I don't swear often but I could tell mcc was gonna bring out the worst in me.

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