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Hundreds of Centuries ago, Humanity was in Anarchy and Near Extinction From A Cataclysm event that was named the “end world.”  It moved the Planets Landmasses, twisting and turning the lands until it was one. 8000 years later Humanity did survive and evolved into three Clans. The Katakana 

Humans survived in the mountains, strong.  They are resilient and honorable warriors.   The Sekitar  

humans survived in the grasslands and jungles.  They are nimble, excellent hunters and bullseye shrimp shooters They are also masters of stealth. And then we have the Nomads.

  They are humans that live in all the environments from the scorching hot desert to the tallest peaks.  They are always on the move. 

The Targuns appeared almost 4000 years ago.  They were an advanced alien race that needed to find a new home. After the old one was destroyed by their own doing, they made peace treaties and went to war with the Clans. In the end, the last treaty was signed. In return,  they launched this new Humanity into a Golden Era. Massive cities were built and a new world government called the Chie Republic was made. 

The “NXO'' are humans that have died and their memories, emotions, etc

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The “NXO'' are humans that have died and their memories, emotions, etc.Have been Transferred to an Excelan Shell. 

What else was made in this Golden Age? A new element was found. It is called “ World Fragment.”  It was formed when the end world event happened. It formed all over Era (The name of the country\land) from the Huge Pockets In the Northeast and more smaller pockets in the Southwest. It gives off Unlimited Energy. It powers vehicles, weapons, and the Excelan shells for many generations. A whole block of it can power a city for decades on end. It was truly an age of peace and prosperity but….. it came to an end when a war was started between Humanity and the Subterranean race that is known as The “Rankings.” 

Horrifying mole people lived underground for centuries. They attacked in masses. First, they appeared in the South in old mines and attacked the outer colonies far away from the cities. But when they took them over, the desert city Cked they killed thousands. Then the war really took off. The Katakana, NXOs, Skitar and the Targuns banded arms to fight the rankings. This war’s lasted for  over 100 Years. It ended when they were pushed into Ravine in the area that is called the “Badlands” where almost every criminal liked to rain chaos.  But, it was isolated as well in a desert valley, so the Rankins had no chance of escape.  

After the ranking war millions had died, but something else came out of the  blood  stain ground and the bodies. It was where the gifted were born. From the battlefields, the gifted were born. The gifted had the power to call upon  what is called the  “end void.”  Whoever can call upon this power gets incredible powers like the Vanguard with their superhuman strength  and resilience….Or the witches  with the power to summon a storm of fire, ice, lightning. They could even heal the wounded….. and then we have the Hunters.  They can make the  most impossible shots and track down the most Dangerous Beast in the hardest please...Then we have the Shield Men that call upon the void for protection to protect themselves and everyone around them. They became the Guardians of The Republic and its people, but they are cursed….Only a gifted can live for 30 years. and Grandmasters live for years On end, Depending how strong their Powers and Connection  are with the void but when time comes that  gifted will slowly lose their powers and die. They will pass on the powers To the Next Generation. 

 4% of all children in eara will have a connection At Birth with the end void. If a child does have a connection Whatsoever to the void, they'll be trained under the Grandmasters in the capital Flying City of Herot, And to find a child at Birth has a connection with the void a piece of     drained World ( drained WF Shards loses their purple blue)  if it glowsThe child has a connection to the void But it  glows differently how powerful  the child has a connection to rare occasions The Shard Had so much power going through it short-circuited and then exploded. 

But anyways Now in the present 90 years After the bloodiest war The year is 14331 January 9th after the Raking war, Humanity is somewhat at peace. People are using World Fragments to modify their bodies, and the activity of the rankings has begun to Rise . Tensions started to rise between the Nomads and the NXO And rumors of a gifted being as powerful as that of  a god will be born somewhere, but it has been eighteen years  since the prophecy was out. The gifted are still searching to this day….

                              but a  

            farm girl In the Badlands 

             Is about to get her world 

                   turned upside down. 

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