welcome to my life :-)

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Hello, I’m Tara Konoru, I live in the bandit-infested, red-sand, burning hot badlands in the lovely vapor farming town of Kaistan. It used to be an old Fragment mining town, but the Ranking moved into the nearby canyon out of fear every miner and person with a brain left. But the people who were stubborn as a Katak had a long history with the town (one of them was my mom- well, she was one of the stubborn ones. She was a soldier for the Republic Grand Gard). My dad left when my mother died when I was born, so I kind of grew up on my own. I mean some people in town help me out, but that's enough about me, let's get to the little town I call home. Like I said before, this place is a vapor farm; we use these 50-foot machines to gather water moisture (vapors), and rarely, rain. The machines are being powered by World Fragment Shards or W.F.’s. We do not use the huge bricks that power cities- the ones we use are for power vehicles and such. So, we gotta replace the shards every few months-BUT, that's not the only pain in the ass. These machines date back to the Golden Age, so you got to give it a thump once in a while. But sometimes….who am I kidding, most of the time they require more hands-on repairs. That's where I come in, and a couple others. We get one of them assigned to us every year. 

Oh, I forgot, It's me and 10 others working on the 11 machines.  Why 10 on the 11 machines? You might say because the 10 of them are a pain in the ass. They need something repaired every 30 minutes! And, trying to crawl around in these machines- it's a  death trap. But, it's the only way to fix these things. There used to be 11 of us, but then he got in an accident with old explosives... and Katak whiskey. Not the greatest combination. But, that lucky person has to watch the rest of us work day in, day out, even on our birthdays! But get this- only one of them works properly each year; just one of them works without repairs on end until next year. But hey, let's work on the 10 of us but let's move on from the hellscape. to my job, I have to wake up to each morning…..But Let's get to the town where I rest my head and get me some grub And maybe some dirt quality  booze if I'm in the mood And then rest my head.

Kaistan has a population over 98 people, so the bar is a bit packed on ranz night. And to add a little bit of a splash of more fun… everyone here has a mix of  every race or just per blooded.  We've got  Katakana, Nomad, Skitar, Nomad. And even get this… this town got a few  Targuns “ZZZzzzzz.'' Kind of look like sand liz’s, but man are th- The sound of someone banging on a metal door could be heard.  

“Tara!” A  young man yelled, continuing To slam on the door. 

"Oh son of a sand Liz Looks like I need to hurry this up."  The town is about the size of a…... there's only like 30 houses A few of them turn into bunk houses. The Old Fort is in the center of the town. We use it as a small metro station to get around the town, and everyone's favorite place to go after work (And get absolutely hammered Like myself) is the only saloon from here to grilled the piss in the sandstorm. How it got its name is a very long story. 

“Tara!! You're late for work and I know you're in there because you're not  passed out in the saloon,” the Young man said, knocking on the door again. As I opened my eyes and yelled, “Can you quit that I have a headache You…Clunk!!” I said, grabbing an empty booze bottle, throwing it out the door. 

The loud sound of the glass breaking echoed through the metal room. “Old Betsy 6 went down again. I mean, the boys and I got it running for a bit but-” The sound of a cork went off. The bottle could be heard.  

"Did you reconnect the main  power conjunction and then restart the main WFS Power filter?” I said calmly, taking a long swig from the bottle. 

“I uhmm, didn't think of that.”

 I stopped wiping  the liquor away from my lips and said calmly, flopping back on  to my bed,  “What a bunch of fracking Dumbasses. 

"Yeah, fun of a  life I got myself  and I got out of bed. for it"  She looked around her room. Yep  still a mess. It was a cluster of liquor bottles,  boxes of  blueprints and such, but there were tools and other assorted items all over the floor. It looked like a mechanic shop. I begin to walk over  to my orange jumpsuit. I looked in the mirror. I was wearing an  old, long white tank top that reached halfway to my ankles. It was covered with grease, oil hydraulic,  and  the gods only know what else. 

“So, let me guess, you spent last night at the bar.” I just grumble something out, beginning to put on The orange jumpsuit “You really should Stop drinking.” 

I put the jumpsuit over my shoulders Zipping it  up “If the  booze doesn't kill me working on these bloody machines  will probably do the trick. Or maybe both,”  I chuckled as I looked around  for my boots. I scratched my head after looking for a good minute. 

I was just about to give up and head to work without  any foot protection until I heard the  hum of magnetic boot locks. And would you know it, there they were stuck to the roof. I must have forgotten to turn the mag looks off. “Crap……” I side looking around  a few feet in the air. 

I looked up at the ceiling.  I stood there for a few seconds thinking what to do. But in the end, I just ended up throwing a few Wrenches at them until they fell down.

"We got a few more tons of water then expected, and when I mean by a few more, six tons! We can finally get some quality food and  maybe  a new  W.F generator For the to-” I come to, jumping toward the door.  I elbowed him in the nose. Of course, he fell on his ass into the Red Sand.  It's now basically everywhere in the Badlands.

“Ow...should have seen that coming,” he said, holding his nose. A little bit of blood was dripping.  

“I said I had a headache. and  good morning” 

I calculated, taking out an old dented flask with ‘wrenchhead monkeys’ under what looks like a monkey with two wrenches in its head. 

“And I don't want extra work on my plate. I wish we only get good food and booze after work, but still a little bit more protection doesn't hurt,” I said, taking a  nice  long swig from the flask. It was a type of energy drink  that tasted like Liz crap and kind of like hydraulic fluid. Let me pack a punch  when it comes to energy 

“Alright and get your sorry butt off the sand.” The young man gets up. I cover my eyes a bit from the hot burning Sun Red. In the distance, I could see the big old machines doing what they do on the other side of town. One of them was smoking. “It looks like the whole thing is overloaded this is going to be a long day,” I said, looking back at my house.

 Well my house was really more like a trailer with multiple other trailers stacked on top of it. Real cozy. And good to know at any moment The person in the tub could just fall right through the ceiling into your living room when you're watching some good old Razor Teeth the Boneknapper On the TV .

 “Come on, the rest of the crew is waiting for their blonde devil,” he said, walking towards what looked like a buggy with no doors or windshield. Honestly, it was just a metal frame, a steering wheel, and two metal sheets that were just bolted down. 

“Henry, are you still driving this hunk of junk around?” I said, kicking the back of it where a small Fusion-WF Power Converter could be seen. It's the equivalent of a car engine.

 “Yeah,  it's better than  walking,”  he said, shoving a  shard of WF into a small  tube closing it off. Starting it up, he backed away.  Things begin to hum loudly, and then the entire body like thing begins to float in the air.  Small amounts of sand were being pushed away from the Bowl-shaped things.

“ Anti-grav hover pads..very nice! You did a crap job making them though,” she said, taking a seat.  She took another swig from her flask. Henry just grumbles and begins to  drive. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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