Chapter 3

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The bell rings.

I grab my bag and head out.

"Solar." a voice I don't recognize calls me. I look over and I see him holding a little pink sticky note I have never seen before. He hands it to me and walks away.

How did he know my name? I've never seen him before. If I have it was awhile ago but I'm pretty positive I haven't. "Party at 2032 Walridge Road, BYOS" Bring my own stuff?

Did I just get invited to an actual party? The only party I've ever been to was a family event, or a birthday party. Not one where you underage drink and smoke and do other illegal things. Who does he think I am? Even at family events I go up into a corner of a quieter room and read.

I tug the note in my back pocket and carry on with my day.

I look at the clock and I read "12:02pm." I'm in the library eating lunch and I see him again. It's almost like he's purposely trying to be near me. He turns his head and we make eye contact. Does he thinks I was staring at him? I panicked. I most certainly was just wondering why I all of the sudden see the same man for the third time today.

He walks over.

"Were you staring at me? He exclaimed. "No." I hesitantly say while flipping my lettuce over my tomato. "You were most definitely staring at me."

"Why do you keep following me?" I snapped. "You're the new girl. I've never seen you before, but everyone knows your name." I pause. I don't understand. I'm the quiet bookworm who reads and only talks when spoken to.

"Why did you invite me to a party of some sort?" I question. "Just trying to open you up to some stuff since you're, you know, new and not used to people." I'm not sure if I should take offense to it or not, because it's true, I really don't talk to much people.

"Why do you want me to come?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He complained.

"You're going to make me want to uninvite you if you keep it up." I admire he has a short temper.

Why do I kind of find it hot when he's mad? It's also kind of funny he's mad about me asking a lot of questions. But, I get how it is annoying. "I'll be there." I leave him with a lopsided grin and walk off.

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