The Shadow

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I've never been more tired than I am right now. I don't know what part of me decided that walking to work today morning was an intelligent idea. Probably the part of me that wanted a fit body. Now, I'm walking down a dark alley in the dead of night when I could have just drove back home. I feel like that one woman in every cliché horror film. Waking up at 6 in the morning and going to bed at 1 in the morning really messes with your head. If I were given a pillow and a blanket right now and right here, I wouldn't hesitate to take a nap. It's so lonely and quiet here that I would have been terrified if I didn't know this place like the back of my hand. As I am walking out of the alley and into the dimly lit streets, I capture a faint sound of a pair of footsteps behind me. Now, if this took place in the broad daylight, I wouldn't have minded it at all. Heck, I wouldn't have even noticed it. But it's close to 1 right now, and this doesn't exactly feel right. Curious and agitated, I slowly pull out my phone from my left pocket and click on the camera app. As it was already set on selfie mode, I adjust the position of my phone in a way to see the behind of me without the person noticing. I see a dark figure. The darkness of the night makes it seem like that person is literally a shadow. I tell myself that it's okay, because my house is almost nearby now. I keep telling myself everything's fine until I almost believe it. Still, I don't entirely know whether it's a good idea to lead that someone right up to my house. My brain is blank. I can't think of anything. I slip my phone back into my pocket and continue walking. I speed up my pace just as I realise the dark figure does the same. I can feel my heart hammer beneath my chest. Before I can think of any reasons on why this is a bad idea, I dart towards my house. The dark figure whom I just realise is a tall man seems to walk faster. As though things couldn't get worse, I come to a realisation that I had decided to wear heels today morning. I trip over them and fall face first. I turn to see the creepy, shabby man standing over me. He has a weapon in his scrawny, bloody hands: a bat, smeared with dried blood. My stomach drops. I'm overwhelmed with emotions. I'm dizzy and sweat drips from my forehead. I swallow the large lump in my throat. I clench my fists so tightly that my nails dug into my palm. If I'm frightened, I won't show it. I try to push myself up onto the ground. I don't know what happens next except there's a sharp and throbbing pain in my skull.

        When I come to with a jolt, I am surprised by the familiarity of my surroundings. It takes me a moment to perceive that I am in my own bedroom. I am under my thick blanket wearing my favourite pajamas. My huge television is still playing the Netflix show  ' You ', which I probably dozed off watching. A few strands of my hair is slicked on my cheeks and forehead due to the sweat. "It was just a nightmare", I say out loud. I look out of my window to see the magnificent moon, scattered around the moon are stars shining as bright as ever. I turn my gaze to the streets. A shiver ran down my spine when I notice a recognizable dark figure standing there motionlessly. Probably my mind playing tricks on me again. I rummage through my drawer for my glasses. I put it on and immediately everything becomes clearer. I look out of the window again. I feel a wave of relief when there is no-one on the street. I shrug it off. I turn off the television and pull on my sleeping eye mask. I eventually fall asleep even though the feeling of someone watching me lingered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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