Chapter 1

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Kennedy Brown

Ah, highschool. The place where kids get divided even more than in middle school. The jocks, the popular kids, criminals, nerds, and outcasts. You may be asking yourself, well what are you then Kennedy? Truth is, I dunno. I'm just a freshman and school just started. Good luck to me I guess.

Mara Perry

Ugh, these popular kids are annoying. Talking about their boyfriends and where they should meet up at the mall after school. Bleh, boys. Me? I prefer girls, if you were wondering. There I was, minding my own business when some white skinny blonde girl comes up to me and starts poking fun at how fat I am. I ignored her, since she was technically talking to her friends, but then her friends started getting all bitchy too. I've been bullied enough in my life, enough to handle it. At my old school we got into lots of fights, most of the time the teachers didn't care, but when a bone was broken, it was off to the principal's office for the attacker. I'd only punched a couple of people before, but I really wanted to punch this girl. My dad had made me leave the school ever since one of the kids at our school almost died after a fight. He was in the hospital for months, recovering. I had no problem punching people in the face, so I punched this white girl in the face. Hard.

Kennedy Brown

It's not every day you see a school fight, especially on the first day. I hurried over to where the chocolate skinned girl had just punched one of my middle school peers. Bianca was tall, blonde, and bitchy, all of the things you'd expect from a popular high school girl. I didn't know the girl who had punched her, she must be new, but she clearly had a problem with Bianca. I mean, I don't know who didn't, but honestly. You don't just punch someone because you don't like them. Bianca's nose was clearly broken, blood spraying everywhere as she made small gurgling sounds. I grabbed some tissues out of my bag and put pressure on Bianca's nose. She screamed in agony and flinched, but didn't completely freak out. At least she was smart enough to know that I was trying to help her. The black girl had disappeared into the crowd around Bianca and I. The principal hurried over, left, and came back with the school nurse, who was toting a huge bag of medical supplies. "Get out of the way!" she barked, and I moved away from Bianca, into the crowd. In a few minutes she had Bianca cleaned up and she was sent to the nurse's office. Yay. A school fight on the first day of high school, all because of a disagreement between two girls.

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