Chapter 1

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Kira Alinova had been apart of the Red Room her entire life, not by will but by force. Dreykov treated her like an object, a weapon he could dispose of when ever he wanted to. This is what he did with every girl he had at his disposal. To famed widows were Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova. Both have escaped his grasp and now it was Kira's turn.

Kira escaped on her mission, ripping the tracker out of her arm. He no longer knew location she could go anywhere she wanted. She had found a vial of an experimental cure for mind control and used it before she left her mission. It seem to have worked. Kira got out of Russia and made her long journey to America.

Still in her widow suit which was ripped and blood stained, Kira had made it to her destination: Avengers Tower. She rang the bell.

In the tower, Natasha was looking at the CCTV live footage, "No, no. That can't be. No way" she mumbled. She ran to the front door to find out "Kira?" Nat questioned "Natasha? I didn't think you'd be here" Kira said. "Are you okay?" Natasha asked "what do you think, I came from Russia" Kira replied. Nat walked Kira through the tower, to the bedroom.

"What happened?" Nat asked as Kira sat down on the bed "I waited and waited for you to take down the red room, but you never came" Kira said "Dreykov's dead, I killed him" Nat scoffed, "No, he didn't die. He made sure we couldn't escape, he would terminate us if we got injured, with the suit, he tracked us, sedated in and out, he change our brain connected it to him" Kira replied quickly. "Calm down, you're safe" Nat reassured, she pulled Kira's arm closer to her and inspected the wound "I take it the tracker was in your arm." She said. Nat grabbed a towel and dabbed the wound.

Kira went pale "Nat, I really don't feel good" she said "You don't look to good, you've lost the colour in your cheeks. How's your stomach feeling?" Nat asked, she put her hand to Kira's forehead and cheek "I feel nauseous, like I'm about to throw up" Kira replied. "Kira, the bathroom is through there, I'm going to go get the first aid kit and bring a friend along" Nat said.

Nat went down to the living room "Nat, where have you been all morning?" Tony asked "Sorry, an old friend stopped by, Clint can you come with me?" Nat replied "Sure, thing" Clint replied. Nat got the first aid kit and a glass of water. Clint followed her upstairs and into the bathroom. "This is Kira. I was hoping you'd be able to sort her wound out" Nat said "sure thing" Clint replied. "listen honey. Clint is going to take care of the wounds, you can trust him. I'm going to take care of you." Nat said.

After a little while, Kira illness got worse, she began to freak out "Nat, Nat" Kira panicked "Calm down, you're okay" she said "No, No. Gonna puke, no" Kira cried. "Kira, you gotta let it out, come here, Nat go get her a fleece blanket and a fresh change of clothes from Steve" Clint said. Nat left. Clint knelt beside her, lifting her up "Over the toilet, that's it." he pulled her hair back, she began heaving "Good girl, really good. You just let it out" he soothed, rubbing her back. When she stopped Clint wiped her lips and finished cleaning her wounds. Nat came in, she helped Kira change and then wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. She took her to the living room.

Kira sat on the couch beside Nat. Bruce put her on an antibiotic drip. Someone walked in and Kira recognised his voice, she got up on her knees and turned to look over the couch "Soldat" she said. Bucky looked up "Kira!" He exclaimed, she wobbled unsteadily, Bucky sat on the couch and Kira laid on his lap "I'm glad your alive" he said "Me too. I missed you" Kira said "Missed you too" he replied, he went to give her kiss "Might not want to do that" she said "Why not?" Bucky asked "She did throw up about 15 minutes ago" Clint said. Bucky kissed her for head as she rested her head on his chest, falling asleep instantly. How can you get her to settle so quickly, we've been trying for hours" Bruce said "I was her guard and trainer. Dreykov asked me specifically, well HYRDA. She wouldn't originally cooperate and when they asked her to do something, she'd lay on the floor, let them just drag her" Bucky replied. "She's a women after my own heart" Tony said. Bucky traced his fingers over the marking on your neck "It never faded" he said "What never faded?" Steve asked "This mark, he told her it would. Termination by electric shock, I saved her life, but it left its mark." Bucky said.

The antibiotic drip had finished "I'll give her another dose tomorrow" Bruce said. 

Bucky carried Kira to his room, laying her down on the bed. She woke up from the movement "How are you feeling?" he asked "Still sick" she replied, he put the trash can on her lap "By the way, my name is Bucky" he said sitting beside her and switching the Tv on. The news began playing. 

"A World-wide search for Red Room assassin (Y/N) (L/N). Highly skilled widow, trained and guard by The Winter Soldier. She went missing a few months ago and there has been no sign of her or her body anywhere. Every Government is asking the public to be on high alert and America might be asking the Avengers to intervene, this will include her Ex-Trainer. When and if they find her alive she will be put on trial before a Russian and American Government judging body to find her guilty of all the crimes she committed, including the assassinations of Melina Vostokoff, Baron Zemo and King T'Chaka of Wakanda" The news reporter said. 

Bucky looked at Kira with utter shock on his face "It..It..I..It wasn't me" she stuttered What do you mean?" Bucky asked "Dreykov made me, I...I..had no control over my life. He injected me with some chemical that changed the brain waves" she replied Nat bursted into the room "You killed my mother" she said "I didn't, I was forced I didn't know I did it" Kira replied. She left the room, the door slammed. Kira made an attempt to get up, she collapsed in a heap on the floor "Bucky, I really don't feel right. My head is hurting...I feel so sick right now" she whined "Doll, I know. Let's get you back on the bed, the trash can is there, you throw up whenever you need to" he kissed her cheek as he picked her up.

Once back on the bed, he held the trash can under Kira's chin, he rubbed her stomach as she puked "You're okay, if they don't believe you darling. I will take you to Wakanda, and Shuri will fix you. It worked for me, it'll work for you" he said. When she stopped he put the trash can on the floor and gave her some water, rocking her gently till she fell asleep. Steve came in "How's she doing?" he asked "She threw up again. Head ache too. She's stressed about the news. Nat's angry at her." he replied. "She's very trusting of you, Bruce is still willing to care for her, he want a blood test for the chemical she was given for mind control and Wanda is willing to evaluate her instead of a triggering therapist like Raynor" he said "That's good, we need to get her pardoned, She's terrified of being seen and captured by anyone, Can you contact T'Challa and explain the situation, When he's okayed it we'll get her to Wakanda to remove any remaining mind control" Bucky said "Will do once the blood result come though tomorrow." Steve said.

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