Chapter 2

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Kira had been living at the tower for two weeks, since the news Nat hasn't spoken one word to her. Kira began to not come out of her and Bucky's room when it was Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just coming out for food when she knew Nat wouldn't be in the kitchen. This became concerning to the rest of the team. Kira had gone down to the training room to find Bucky "Hey, doll. Do you need me for anything?" he asked "Can you make me something to eat and bring it to the room, Nat's in the kitchen" Kira said "Kira, baby, you've got to get used to be in the room when Nat's around" he said "I know. But she give me look like she's going to kill me" she replied "Okay, I'll go make you something" he said. 

Kira went back to the bedroom, Bucky came in with a sandwich. After she ate, he sat beside her. "Anything you want to talk about?" he asked, "What did Bruce say?" she asked "There are still traces of the chemical in your bloodstream, he sent them off to Shuri. Hopefully we'll have some answers in a few weeks" he said "Thats good" she said. 

A week went by, the team began to notice Kira was eating less each day. Nat stood in the kitchen when Steve walked in "You have to talk to her. She's virtually stopped eating, Bucky has been on mission for a few days" he said "She killed my mother, how am I supposed to look at her" Nat said "Tony managed it, go get some tips from him" Steve replied. 

Steve walked in the bedroom "Kira, you want me to make you something?" he asked "No, but thanks for the offer Steve." she replied. Steve sat on the edge of the bed "What's going on?" he asked "Nothing, I just miss Bucky" Kira replied "Why don't you come eat something?" Steve said "I'm not hungry" she replied. Bucky entered the room "Doll, everything okay?" he asked "Fine, I missed you" she replied. Steve left her and Bucky to talk. "So, what has the team made you to eat, considering Nat has been in the kitchen?" he asked "Not much, I haven't been hungry. I've lost my appetite for everything" Kira replied. "Kira, you promised me you would eat" he said "I know Bucky. But..I just haven't been..." she started, Bucky stopped her from talking and held her close "You don't have to explain. What would you like to eat, it can be anything at all" he said "Rice" she replied "Just rice?" Bucky asked "Yeah" Kira replied "Fair enough, FRIDAY ask Wanda to make Kira some rice and bring it in here" Bucky said "Certainly" FRIDAY replied. 

A few weeks later and Kira was eating like normal. The team was beginning to start getting her to training sessions. One morning, she was looking through the wardrobe and couldn't find something to cover the scarring on her back and arm. No one had seen them and she'd like to keep it that way. Kira started to become stressed and when she became stressed she had flashbacks. FRIDAY sent for Bucky straight away. He entered the room "Kira, what's wrong?" he asked "I don't have anything to wear for training" she cried "I'm sure you do" he said. He noticed you were hiding your arm "Kira?" he questioned, he gently pulled her arm into view "Can I take a look at your back?" he asked, Kira just stood there, Bucky lifted her shirt and saw the phrase 'Hail HYDRA' in her skin. 

Kira ran over to the bed and laid down "Kira, It's Bucky, you're okay. You are not there where you are in your head, I'm here I've got you" he said. Bucky got her through the flashback, she laid on her stomach. "You're heart is beating really fast, concentrate on slowing it down. Breathe in, hold for 3 and breathe out" he said, she followed his instructions. He took her to breakfast. Straight after she ate, Kira began to feel sick. She was trying hard to keep her breakfast down, Steve noticed and took her plate away, he put an empty bowl in front of her, "I'm sorry, really sorry" she said "Sorry for what?" Tony said. Kira vomited in the bowl "This" she replied her voice hoarse. Wanda came over and rubbed her back "You poor thing. That's it bring it up. You shouldn't have eaten, if you felt sick" she said. Bucky came with a towel, he wiped her lips when she stopped. Kira leant on him, she passed out and almost fell off the chair. Bruce got a glass of water as Bucky carried her to the couch, Steve cleaned up. 

Kira came around, Bucky held the glass to her lips, "Slowly, Kira babe, slowly" he said, she drank small amounts of water. Bruce did a couple checks "Anxiety and PTSD, I go get the meds, you can take them now and they should kick in" he said "No medicine, I'll be fine" she said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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