The Question

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Do you know who you are?
Do you really know what you are?
Do you really know why you there.
Here , where you are now?

Don't look around but look at yourself?
Do you really know what's your goal?
Answer me! Surely there is no answer.
Surely you're confused!
Cause you choose to be confused!

You chose to be fools!
You chose your own part!
You chose your own faith!
You chose who you want to be!

Now the question is what are all these,
Make you to be ?
Neither yourself know, neither do I.
But the solution is right a head of us.
You just have to trust in yourself !
Your faith, and believed and live on it.

Clear your mind, and stand for yourself.
Be true to yourself ,
don't look down on others.
Mistakes happen , if you keep
looking forward and correct them.
The answer to your question is near.

Don't ask why, but ask why not!
Don't read to asked me why
but read to asked why not !
Don't smile and say you understand !
But the truth is you don't .
I don't either.

I have faith!!
With it the answer is near
Did you find your answer?
If you did?
then answer the question!
But remember there is no question ,
to start with.
There is no answer to be given.
If so that means you did .

And surely you did ask yourself a question.
What ever you did ask yourself ,what you need to answer.
What ever your mind is true of,
that what you want to do now .
Don't run away from what is true .
Face it and solve it .
So you have the answer to it .

The Question !!

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