pt 10

439 11 21

Ali: what do u mean in a way...?

Y/n: you see... We don't exactly really don't know how to use these...


Y/n: why the fuck do I feel like dancing?

Ji yeong:I don't know?

Sae-byeok:if you feel like dancing then dance...

Y/n:....hmmm no... Not in front of these weird people

Sae-byeok: excuse me?

Y/n:not you

You sneeze

Y/n: bless me...

They stare at you

Y/n: what? You're meant to say that after u sneeze


Ali:y/n erm deok su wants a dance battle???

Y/n: a what now?  Like that geek can dance alright...


y/n: I said u can't dance... So no I am not doing this so fuck off

Deok su: *sighs* fine...

Sae-byeok:hey y/n you alright?

Y/n: ye just a bit tired...

Sae-byeok:oh erm.... Can I talk to you alone please...?


She takes your hand and drags you to the bathroom

Y/n: why here?

Sae-byeok:because I need to say something

Y/n:ok what is it?

You look at her

Sae-byeok:well... Erm...... This is the first time I'm ever saying this to someone... Well erm... I kind of really like you...

Y/n: as a friend or?

Sae-byeok:no... More than that...

Y/n: a 4lifer?

Sae-byeok:no! More than that and I mean way more

Y/n: hmmm.... A lover? Nah it can't be that-

Sae-byeok:well ye it is that

Y/n:Huh-- a lover? Wow...

Sae-byeok:ye... That... So erm what do you think?

Y/n:you know you're legit my best friend .. Right

Sae-byeok nods

Y/n: .... Fine... Just..take it step by step alright?

Sae-byeok: alright

She walks out leaving you alone...

Y/n: what am I thinking...

You walk out of the bathrooms and see sang woo staring at you

Y/n's mind: wtf is wrong with this dude?!

Sae-byeok runs to you and drags you to your friends

Y/n: erm why exactly am I getting dragged?

Sae-byeok: because we need to say something to them!

Y/n :oh ye..

Ali:so what is it y/n?

Y/n:what's what?

Ali:what is yours and sae-byeok's secret?!

Y/n:oh ye me and Sae-byeok are dating now...

Sae-byeok nods

You sit down and hold your knees

Gi-hun:y/n you alright?

You nod

Y/n: just tired

Gi-hun: oh alright

Ali: erm y/n you have blood on your neck..

You feel it and see that blood is there but you get your plaster what you brought to the place and put it on your neck

Deok su approaches you...

Deok su: so I heard  from a little bird that y/n and Sae-byeok are dating... Is it true?

Y/n: it's non of your concern...but yes...

Deok su: alright cya


Sang woo: y/n is it true?

Y/n: yes it's true ...

Ji yeong; I'm proud of you two!

Y/n:ye thanks...

Ji yeong: ,....., are you sure your alright?

Y/n: yes I think...

Sae-byeok: what's wrong then?

Y/n: just stress don't worry it goes away sometimes...

Sang woo:ok..

Y/n: ye.... Erm... I don't know anymore

Ji yeong: ok y/n how about you lay down?

Y/n: No..

Ji-Yeong:sae-byeok! Help here!

Sae-byeok: babe.......

She rubs your cheek making you look at her


Sae-byeok:.... Never mind...

Y/n: wow....

Sae-byeok helps you stand up...

Sae-byeok: do you want a hug?

You nod and sae-byeok wraps her arms around you... Making you feel safe

On the other hand

Sang woo looks furious..... He wanted to have some revenge...

Y/n: thank you...

(Hey guys erm I have a question
I am gonna carry on with this but like do y'all want me to do a genshin impact fanfic?
I'll explain what genshin is first-

Well it is an animted game where you the traveler (Aether or lumine) lose you're brother / sister and you plan to find him until u stumbled upon a girl named amber (you also have you're buddy piamon) soon you meet Lisa kaeya and Jean and then there's a bunch of others)

(I'll show u a quick photo I put the names of the characters on them as well)

(I'll show u a quick photo I put the names of the characters on them as well)

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