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Lee went with Carley to go get Glenn. They left a few minutes ago, (Y/n) was looking around the store after sitting there for a bit. So decides to roam around.

"Where ya going?" Clementine asks, taking a hold of her arm. The smaller girl looks back and smiles softly.

"It's okay, imma go look around then come right back. Promise."

"Can I come with you?"

"Mhm! C'mon." Clem smiles and nods, they hold hands as they walk the aisle to see if there's anything they can do or even eat, they are still a bit hungry.

"There's really nothing in the store—Kovu!" (Y/n) sees her little puppy on the top shelf holding another bar in his mouth.

The girls rush over and (Y/n) climbs up and picks him up. "How did you even get up there? Release." Kovu-Ash obeys and drops the bar on her hand.

"Is that the only one?" Clem asks.

"Seems like it, I didn't see any more." (Y/n) frowns softly and looks around and sees Duck a bit quiet, she tilts her head and hands kovu to Clem. "I'll be back."

Little (Y/n) walks towards the family. She walks past Lilly and Larry, her big duo eyes staring back at the woman's green glare. She smiles at her nonetheless, which shocked the woman. With the gesture and the eyes. She will never forget them.

(Y/n) makes it to the family and waves at Kenny. She slowly approaches Duck waiting for him to notice her. When he did she smiled at him.

It's true that when they met he was a bit loud and very enthusiastic for her cup of tea but she can tell he's just very energetic. Seeing him like this was a bit odd. "Hey Duck, how are you feeling?"

(Y/n) smiles a bit sadly when he doesn't respond, looking down at his hands but steps closer, holding the bar out. "That's okay. Here, kovu found this."

The boy looks at the bar then at her. (Y/n) nods and moves her hand closer. "It's okay. Take it." Her voice was soft and gentle. She knows that he's out of it for right now and would like her new friend to be okay.

The adults on the other hand are trying so hard not to blink at his wholesome moment they are witnessing, afraid they'll miss something. (Y/n), from both Kenny and Katjaa's opinion, gives off a shy, kind, almost motherly aura. And this right now just proves it.

Duck takes the bar and gives (Y/n) a smile, who returns it. She looks over at the parents. Kenny acts like he wasn't looking and Katjaa smiles warmly at her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find any for you guys." (Y/n) apologizes, messing with her long hair.

"Ah don't worry 'bout it, darlin'" Kenny reassures her, his wife agreeing with a nod.

"But we appreciate you looking out for Duck."

(Y/n) nods, making her way back to Clementine. The girl playing with the small Doberman.

"Lee's been gone for a while."

"Yeah...you think he's okay?" Clem asks, a bit worried for her newly found protector and friend. (Y/n) nods her head and pets KA.

"I'm sure he's okay."

"Can you tell me about the ring?"

(Y/n) looks at Clem with a tilt of her head, she thought she already told Clem about the ring; she got it from her mom. That's when Clementine clarified.

"I mean...how did you get it?" Clem asks slowly, not sure if it will trigger anything. She doesn't want to hurt her best friend's feelings.


 A New World For The Young |Clementine X Fem!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now