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(Most of them will be you being a Gryfindor and a Weasley)

Summary: During a brutal game of Quidditch, you get seriously injured making your girlfriend really worried.

Today is Gryfindor vs Slytherin, no biggie. I play as Seeker and I am quite good at it. My girlfriend is of course watching me today but today is special since it's our 2 year anniversary today and I have promised to take her out on a date.
"You ready for this, Weasley?" Oliver Wood asks me, giving me a warm smile.
"As ready as I'll ever be, Wood." I reply, grinning. My two elder brothers Fred and George pat me on the back encouragingly.
"We got this, lil sis" George reminds me, positively. I nod and we head out to the court.

Halfway through the match: Some snarky remarks from Malfoy ensue, he's definitely my number one rival right now, inside and outside the pitch.
"Come on, Weasley. You gotta do better than that!" He teases me, annoyingly. "You just can't accept that I'm better". Then the snitch appears, as if in sync, we both chase after the winged ball. The wild goose chase is on, I'm not letting Malfoy win again, some brutal shoving ensues but he takes it way too far, kicking me off of my broom, sending me plunging towards the ground. Once I hit the ground, everything just goes to darkness.

Hermoine's POV: I'm just observing my girlfriend playing Quidditch when she gets kicked off her broom, hitting the ground really hard, my breath hitches. I look up at Malfoy and just see a overconfident smirk appear on his face. He notices my gaze and flies off, then the game is finally called to a halt.

In the hospital wing a week later: She still hasn't woken up, I've been sitting here everyday afterschool, just waiting for those eyes to open finally.
"Hermione, you're in here again?" I hear Ron ask me, walking over. "You wanna come to Hogsmeade with us?" I shake my head no and reply "I'm not leaving her side, so I have to decline your offer."
"Tell us when Y/N wakes up?" Harry asks, sweetly. "I'm really worried about her." I nod and smile slightly, watching them leave. My eyes revert back to my girlfriend's unresponsive state, is there a spell to make her better? Probably not, so why am I still inquiring that in my head? Will she ever wake up? My train of thought is ruined by Madam Pomfrey telling me "Well, Miss Granger, I believe that visiting time is up." I sigh and just nod, sadly.
"Don't worry, my dear. She will be alright" She comforts me with a warm smile.

Back in the Gryfindor common room: I can't sleep at all tonight without my roomate so I'm currently up studying. My eyes ache from tiredness but I just cannot get to sleep. I sigh and put the book down, heading off to bed and getting some sleep.

The next morning: I stare at the unoccupied seat next to me, Ron and Harry can just see my despondency in my eyes.
"Hermione, you alright?" Ron queries, distress in his eyes. "You've barely eaten, this ain't about my twin sister is it?" I sigh and snap "Yes, it is about your sister, Ron. My bloody girlfriend is still in the hospital wing, unconscious. As a younger brother, I'd presume that you would be worried sick too." He looks taken aback.
"That is my sister but unlike you, I know that she will be okay and we just have to wait." Ron responds, a little annoyed.
"Ron, calm down" Harry tells him, affirmatively. "It's clear that Hermoine is in distress and we should be here for her not acting like this! This is Y/N we are on about here!" Ron nods, understandably and apologies "My apologies, Hermoine." I just ignore him.

Later: After another dreadful day, it's now late at night and I'm just staring out the window when I hear some stair creaking and then the door opening, my head snaps and I see Y/N standing there.
"Hey, baba" She greets me adorably. I stand up and just sprint into her arms, a massive smile on my face.
"You don't know how much I bloody well missed you, princess." I tell her, hugging her tightly. "I thought you were a goner" She laughs and reminds me "You aren't losing me that easily". I pull her into a passionate kiss, wrapping my arms around her neck whilst hers lay wrapped around my back, she has a speedy poke of my backside, making me giggle.
"You don't have to ask to touch that" I tell her, a sparkle in my eyes. She giggles, god I missed that beautiful sound.
"I love you so much" She tells me, staring into my eyes.
"I love you way more." I reply, pulling her into another kiss.

(Did you like this, do you want me to continue this or not?)

Chris xx

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