Chapter 1

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As I stepped closer and closer until I was just about to turn the corner. I heard his voice, Dylan my boyfriends voice.

After I left 6 months ago after finding out I was adopted I went looking for my birth parents or relatives of there's, my relatives.
I did research and found out that some distant relatives of mine, my great great Uncle Harold stopped talking to my grandma and my great grandma about 40 something years ago and no one's heard from them since so I was planning on changing that.
After I left I kept in touch with Dylan and my best friend Lexi almost all the time. Every Wednesday, Friday and most Sundays Lexi and I would be on the phone for hours and Mondays, every second Thursday and Saturdays I would call Dylan and chat for 2 hours each call. Sometimes they wouldn't pick up so it would be about 4-5 days when I could talk with them again. For some reason I didn't even bother think about why they were together when they called, they always told me it was because it was for an assignment or that they both wanted to talk to me at the same time. I didn't take notice because they were the people I trusted most in the world, they were my best friends.

It was one step till I could turn the corner and see Dylan and maybe Lexi face to face.
3... 2... 1...
"Peek..." Right before my eyes was the last thing I thought I'd see.
"Dylan? Lexi? What?"
"Harley! Look, I can explain!" Dylan let go of Lexi and took a few steps closer to me.
"Harley, I'm so sorry!" Lexi pushed infront of Dylan to get to me.
"No don't bother saying how sorry you are, cause your not sorry and you know it! I can't believe you two. You couldn't even be bothered to break up with me Dylan?"
"Harley, I promise we'll explain, it's not what it looks like!"
"You know what" I didn't raise my voice "it's my fault that I couldn't see that you two were in love, I'm sorry that I was standing in between you two," both Dylan and Lexi were confused, completely confused I just left them there.

It only took one left turn and a walk to the end of the building to get to my locker. I unlocked it and hung my bag on the hook at the bottom of the door, I grabbed an empty duffle bag stuffed inside replacing the emptiness of my back pack with some of my books. I also put my pencil case and gym clothes in too, it took me merely two seconds to zip the bag up and put it down on the ground making way for the duffle bag. Inside the duffle bag I put the rest of my books mainly my personal reading ones in and grabbed the photos off the door, all the photos were of Dylan and I, Lexi and I or all three of us, in one of the photos we took a year ago Dylan had his hand on Lexi's back awfully close to her bottom. 'Why haven't I seen that before, am I really that oblivious?' I had tears running down my face but that didn't stop me from packing my bags. This was the worst last day here, this stuck up school had good teachers and a mean principal but even I would miss the principal Jeffrey, I've grown so fond of him and his ways. After the locker was empty I ran my hand along the edge of the wall feeling for the dint, I felt it and opened it, the hiding place was still there! And with the book I put in there was too. I pulled the book out putting it in my duffle bag gently, I closed the locker I didn't intend for anyone to use it again not a chance. With all of my newly found strength I squashed the lock in my hand preventing it to open that way, but that's what a crowbars for, so I push the door against the rest of the locker the metal over lapped all around I didn't know if that would do it probably not but oh well, worth a shot. I then picked up my bags flinging them over my shoulder turning and heading straight, past Dylan and Lexi down the other end of the building and to the running track where I intended on walking out. I had hit the track and Dylan was behind me pulling at my hand, arm and shoulder trying to stop me,

"Stop it! Let go of me!" I protested Lexi was following behind him and he managed to grab my school bag, which meant I had to stop.
"What do you want?" I was irritated and annoyed.
"Just stop and listen please I want to explain." He dropped my bag,
"Jeez what's in there that's heavy as fuck!" I picked up my bag and continued walking, he yet again grabbed my bags both this time and put them behind him infront of Lexi. I began walking to get them but he wrapped his arms around me from behind pinning my arms to my side. I squirmed and wiggled with no luck, but that changed as soon as something came running and jumped on top of him causing him to let go and fall to the ground in a triumph. The look on his face when he turned to see what it was, was priceless it would fuel my laughter for weeks. I broke out of my thoughts as soon as everyone crowding us screamed and stepped back in horror. Dylan however didn't move a muscle barely breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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