The "Talk"

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Jesse had to go help set up, sadly. So I figured I should go talk to Kristy. "Hey guys!" I say to my dad and uncle. Then I whisper to Kristy, "Wanna head up to mine and Jesse's room to talk?"
"I guess." Is all she said. Then we both went up to my room. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "Well I sorta am ummm lesbian and I met this amazing girl. I wanted to tell you before anyone else." Is what she told me and all I could say was, "I'm here for you and if you need anything just say. Just to get this straight, no feelings as far as friends for me right?"
"No offense but your not my type and thanks for understanding. So how do you feel about Jesse?" She asked.
Oh boy! She wants me to explain how I feel about Jesse. "How about I tell you while we hunt down a dress for tonight and I'll explain what's going on tonight." I say. "Ok I'm a little confused but I love dress shopping!" Kristy says all excited. "Why are we friends?" I ask sarcastically.
(Kristy in the photo)

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