This Is How It Ends

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*** Content Warning! Graphic detail of violence and gore. Depiction of death and harm ***

Josie POV

Again waking up I felt very sick and out of it. So when I was looking around I couldn't see anything as it was coming up as if I had double vision. So when a figure came in front of me I couldn't tell who it was until I heard the thick and sickening voice. 

"So you are wake again Josie? Though this time I am sure you aren't feeling that strong as you where last time when you decided to try and attack me."

Her hand roamed over the arm which was covered up by a small bit of bandage. Though she didn't seem like it really affect her that much.

I tried to speak but no words where really coming out. My throat was dry and it was barely audible.

"Yeah I wouldn't try to talk too much Josie. The drugs going through you right now is fucking you up big time. Do you realise how much all these cost? All of this for and you don't seem grateful for what I am doing for you. Typical Doyle's. Never grateful for fucking anything."

I lay back again even though I wanted to get out of this bed and fuck this bitch up. Ever since I seen that mark on her shoulder when she took off her doctor's uniform as she was left in a tank top on. I knew about the Cult of Thorn. Big back in the days when Michael first set his sights on Haddonfield. It became really big when Samuel Loomis stopped fighting them and instead became their leader. Though nowadays it has become a thing of the past with few members and I had assumed it died out. 

Obviously I was wrong.

These people might be related to someone in it. Though if I had to guess I would say they were a member of the Loomis line. When I first met her I thought there was something familiar but I couldn't quite place it. When I was little I would have hung around with them when our parents sat around a table debating actions to take if Michael Myers ever came back. Though in recent years we grew a part as they didn't get involved much in the protection of Haddonfield and the last line of defence against Michael Myers. Instead they seemed to go to the other side entirely.

If I was correct the person I was looking at was Izzy Loomis. She had a twin brother Sean Loomis. Who I assumed was helping her. Izzy came up to me and smiled sinisterly while holding another injection. 

"Time to go to sleep again. When you wake up next time there will be a surprise here for you Josie. Now hold still or I will hurt you."

Izzy took out this drill looking object that made a horrendous sound when clicked. I am not sure if this was to scare me but I what I did know was that I didn't have the strength to stop here right now and that thought made me feel an anger I had never felt before. 

Hope POV

I was in the process of walking through the many corridors this hospital while gripping the knife with my knuckles white with the force of me holding it.  My phone was in my other hand as I tried to get a signal. But as it had been all night there was nowhere were it could pick it up. I walked by a couple of doors when I heard a buzzing. Stopping I listened at a door before determining that it was the correct door. 

Then standing back I put all my force in my stance as I kicked out with my right leg. Once vibrated the door and the second shot it open. I quickly went in to see a girl standing over a bed. I was going to move on when I seen who was on the bed. Josie with her eyes half open looked over to me and I knew there was something wrong. 

The girl was about to inject her with something and honestly the smile she had on her face was enough to make my gut twist. 

"Hope Myers. What an honour it is. Hold on I won't be a second and then I can properly introduce myself. Josie here is soon going to be a part of a particular experiment that will change the world."

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