Chapter 1

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Baifern took a deep breath as she clutched the keys to her new house close to her chest.

This is it. Her own house. Her dream house.

She took her sweet time admiring the house from outside. It was a white-painted bungalow with a huge lawn garden. There were a total of three rooms and a spacious study room/library connected to the main house's living room. When the personal assistant of the owner showed her the house two weeks ago, she immediately thought that the house, including the study room, was perfect for her plans.

She already envisioned starting her own publishing house within the comforts of her new house. She and her editor could use the study for brainstorming sessions. Also, since the house was located at the heart of Bangkok, in one of the most exclusive subdivisions in the city, she could invite potential investors or filmmakers in her house, in case she ventures into writing for TV or movies on top of publishing books.

As she unlock the front doors, tears unconsciously fall from her eyes. It would have been so much better if her dad could see this.

If only he could see this beautiful house that his only daughter bought using the money the two of them have been saving. While she contributed a decent amount, most of the fund she used was from her dad's retirement pay.

As well as his life insurance pay-out.

It's been three months since life cheated on the best duo to ever walk on the planet - Baifern and her dad. The two of them have been inseparable as Baifern's dad did his best to be both her father and mother. Together with her dad, Baifern felt invincible.

"It's a beautiful house, Dad." Baifern said as she wiped the first of her tears.

"I know you will love it, but do you think Mom would have liked it too?" she whispered into thin air.

Inside, the house had complete furnitures and appliances. Apparently, the owner had to leave the country urgently so she decided to sell the house and all her stuff for a fair price.

Baifern went to open the first room, the only part of the house she wasn't able to view. The owner's assistant forgot to bring the key to that room on viewing day but promised to send it over along with the keys to the house's gates and front doors on moving day.

However, none of the keys on the keyring the assistant gave Baifern matched the room's lock. Feeling tired from moving her stuff from her old apartment to the new house, she let it go and made a mental note to call the assistant the next day.


Baifern didn't know when she fell asleep but she woke up at 2 in the morning and remembered that she hasn't washed up or changed clothes.

She went to the bathroom with her kit and fresh pajamas.

With eyes half close with sleepiness, she opened the bathroom door.


The shouting man fully awakened all of Baifern's senses.

It took minute for her brain to process  who the half naked man staring at her with wide eyes is: Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn, one of the biggest names in the Thai entertainment industry.

"Oh my god."

"Freaking obsessive fans," Off whispered violently he puts on a robe.  Baifern didn't mean to gawk at him, but it was impossible to miss the model's beautifully toned body. Baifern wasn't much of a fan, but everybody knows Off Jumpol - meaning everyone was also talking about how he's been taking his workouts seriously these past few months. How could the public not talk about it, though? The results were clearly showing, and it was every fan's dream and more.

"What are you doing in my house?"

Off raised his eyebrow and let out a dry chuckle. "Excuse me? This is my house. So it's me who should be asking. How in the hell did you get in here?"

It was too early in the morning so the two of them agreed to take a few minutes to themselves - Off changed into plain white top and sweatpants while Baifern quickly washed up and changed ito a sweater and loose pants.

"How can I be sure you're not some stalker?" Off asked as soon as Baifern sat on the sofa.

"With all due respect, Khun Off. I already told you, I bought this house."

"That's impossible, Khun..."


"Khun Baifern. I already told you. This is my house. I had a friend design every corner of this place from scratch."

Baifern is so confused. "Isn't this place owned by WJ Mild? The model who scored a project in New York and had to leave the country immediately?"

Off flinched at the mention of Mild's name. "She sold you this house? She talked to you in person?"

"Well, not her personally. I talked to her assistant, though. She had the copies of all the titles, all named to Mild."

"Those were old titles. I have the new ones under my name. The original, true titles to this house and the lot."

"What? Do you mean she sold the house to us both?"

Off ran his hands harshly through his hair. With a deep sigh, he looked straight at Baifern before speaking.

"This stays between us, you hear me? Any of this goes out and I'm suing you for trespassing."

"It's not trespassing since it is my house." Baifern said defensively.

"It's not yours, okay. Listen, Mild was my...I was going out with her, okay? Things have been pretty serious between us. So when I had the house built, I put it under her name as an anniversary gift."

Baifern was not shocked that the two were actually dating. There have been rumors about them being real life lovers but the two have been vehemently denying it.

"That means she can validly sell this place to me right? It's legally hers, and once her assistant finishes processing the documents, it means the place will be legally mine." Baifern doesn't care about the issues between the secret couple. The only.thing she cares about is the 15 million baht that she paid for this house. That can't be for nothing, right?

Off shook his head and massaged his temple, showing his irritation. "She cheated on me. I found out about it two months ago. I had the lawyers reissue the titles under my name. The title to this house and the land, the registration of the cars and condo I bought her. I took it all back. None of those are Mild's now. Everything is mine, legally and in all aspects, Baifern."

Baifern can't believe it. She knows Alissa, Mild's assistant, is probably asleep but she frantically searches for her number and calls her. While waiting for Alissa to pick up, Off stood and went to the room which was locked earlier.

To Baifern' surprise, Off easily went in. After a few minutes, the actor returned to the living room.

"Don't waste your time calling Alissa. It's clear that she conned you, okay?" Off said as he placed the titles on the coffee table.

"W-when did you...change the lock to your room."

Off didn't even make an effort to try to make Baifern feel better, but he actually pitied the woman.

"Two weeks ago. I left to shoot a movie in Hawaii. I only changed the lock to my room just in case Mild asks Alissa to get her remaining stuff."

Baifern is now on the verge of crying. It sounded absurd that the whole thing was a scam but the more Off talks, the clearer it gets - Baifern just lost 15 million baht.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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