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this story wasn't written by me, i simply thought the synopsis was interesting and wanted to read it however i quickly realized that the translators dropped it and nobody picked it up after that. Therefore i decided to mtl the entire story(hopefully i don't procrastinate like i did with the other novel i tried mtl-ing lmao) and upload it on wattpad so i could reread it whenever i felt like it 🧍‍♀️

the reason i started mtl-ing after the 11th chapter is because the previous chapters were already all translated by people that actually speak chinese perfectly on foxaholic. so i suggest you read those chapters because reading the ones i'm uploading.

Anyways, i'll try to update this novel daily but since it's exam season rn and i have a shit ton of school work as well as volunteering, i might not be able to do it so please bear with me.

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