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“Just listen to me once Sanskar please just listen… I want to tell very important thing for u, its very urgent please!!” pleaded swara to him who stood emotionlessly….

“What should I listen!! Tel me what should I listen and why should I listen you…. Did you even once listen to me? Did you even once thought before blaming me for laksh’s disappearance and going away with ur sister who never thought once before trying to kill you!!....” Sanskar shouted angrily jerking her away from him…

“ok Sanskar, I will go away from u and (looking at everyone) away from everyone…. Just answer me one thing…. Even if it is most important thing too, wont u listen once!”  she asked hopefully.

“never…. Because I know very well that there is nothing like that… so stop ur drama and get lost from here!!” he shouted furiously looking at her with hatred

“ok” she blankly uttered… and turned to walk because she knows, she knows this is the end of their relation….

Everyone were having happy faces especially ragini because now she can rule entire maheshwari house…

“wait Swara!” he called her making her to halt in middle a little hope raised in her broken heart…

Have u ever loved me or just used as a toy to complete ur dream of big family!!”

This was the limit for her…

“Mr maheshwari listen to me, listen to me very carefully weather I loved or not that is not important now…. What important now is I hate you, I hate you from the bottom of my heart….. and what ever u said now for that u will regret in ur life and come to me to beg my forgiveness remember my words!!” her each and every words came out of hate.

Saying she walked out from his life forever with determination that whatever happens, she never gonna see his face and this so called family and never going to tolerate his shadow too near her….


“Manik its k, up and downs are common in life!! Don’t worry..!!” Nandini try to calm him…

“Because of you manik, just because of u we just lost the concert!!”  mukthi shouted angrily at manik who was just standing in rage…

“yes, mukthi is saying right, because u we lost the important  concert as u were tho too busy with that bitch!!” Aliya said supporting mukti hatefully glaring Nandini…

“Aliyaaa!! Not a word against Nandini!” Manik roared at her.

“Don’t shout at her manik, what they both are saying its true…. Since the day that bloody nandini entered in our life, u tho all time busy with her and forget us who were with u since ur childhood!!” Druv said bitterly accusing nandini who is just crying silently seeing their hatred towards her…. Where as manik was shocked hearing him..

“what r u saying buddy!! I will never ever forget u all… u, cabir, mukti and aliya are my family!!” Manik said shockingly..

Hearing his words nandini was shocked… isn’t she is his family too…

“No manik, druv is saying true u have changed since she entered in our life bloody bitch!! She just using for money manik, open ur dam eyes and see!!” mukti yelled at him….

“mukti don’t use such words for her…. But manik even I too think that u are changing day by day because of nandini!!” this time cabir said calmly…

This was a double shock to both Manik and Nandini…

“cabir!! U too!” Manik whispered…

“yes because this is the fact manik, u cant run away from the truth….” Cabir defended him….

Hearing him mukti, aliya and druv grinned…

“Why u people are not understanding?? Its nothing like that!!...” manik said in frustration….

“ok ok tell me what should I do to prove myself!!” Manik said helplessly…

“are u ready to do anything!!” aliya asked…

A fear engulfed in nandini’s heart hearing aliya’s statement…

“yes anything!!” manik said with determination…

“then u have to choose between fab5 and Nandini!!” mukti demanded him….

Manik lost all his colours in his face…

“Think manik, just think we who were with u through out ur childhood  or this girl who just entered now!!” Druv manipulated him….

“Even I think the same manik!!” cabir supported them…

“even I agree with everyone!! Because of her only u lost the great opportunity!!” Navya said without thinking anything about nandini who stood beside her everytime….

Nandini stumbled listening her best friend nayva words….

“am sorry Nandini, but I can’t leave them because of u who are my family!! So am choosing them over u” Manik said holding her hands… without knowing what he is going to loose in his life…

Hearing those words she jerked his hands and slapped him hardly….

“ur family!! Then what about me dammit, what about me… am I just a play toy when u want u’ll come to me and when u don’t want u throw me out…. U never respected my feelings and took me for granted… u people everyone here are just selfish people, who uses others just for ur needs…. But not anymore mr malhothra not anymore….. not u but I myself leaving u mr mahothra forever… enjoy ur life!! But one day will come where u’ll regret, that day falling on ur knees u will beg for my forgiveness remember it.. I hate u and I hate myself for loving moster like u!!” she spitted each and every word with fire of hatred….. 

Wiping her tears harshly ,giving a disgusting and hateful look to cabir and Navya she walked out from there away from those selfish and disgusting people….


This prologue of precious bonds..

Tuesday I'll give chapter 1..

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Smilysan ❤️😍

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