The Beginning - Chapter One

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It was cold outside, and not your normal Missouri cold. It was nippy, sweater weather is what some would refer to it as. Not for Camila though. The weather app said it was in the upper fifties but for Cami it was in the lower twenties. Camila was very susceptible to temperatures so if it was in the eighties outside then that meant Camila was inside chilling in the AC. So as Camila walked to the store in this new city wearing a sweater and a hoodie together she received the weirdest looks from people. She didn't care though, she had been receiving these weird glances and stares all her life due to her being albino. And ya know, seeing an albino latina was considered weird in this community.

The store was in sight now and Camila walked just that much faster but she was still interrupted by a hand much larger than her own opening the door for her. Looking up she could help but smile a little. The guy had this lopsided boyish smile with dark red hair whose roots were showing. "Thanks," she mumbled before walking inside and grabbing a basket, not needing much anyways. Camila only needed enough food to sustain her through the week, until she got paid for the last gig she did. So as she grabbed the few things she needed she could feel eyes on her the entire time. Glancing up she caught these dark brown, almost black eyes staring back at her before widening and looking away. Camila smiled slightly before going down and rounding the corner into the next aisle. When Camila was finished she went up to the front and stood in line waiting to put her items on the conveyor belt.

Then she felt it again, the eyes. Looking around before finally finding the guy standing in front of her she chuckled. "You know, if I were anyone else I would have pepper sprayed you by now." Camila hummed before looking over at the magazines. That was when she caught sight of the newest issue of a racing mag and went to grab it, smiling wide at the glossy front page. A deep chuckle sounded before her as he saw the magazine.

"I knew I recognized you from somewhere, Miss Rodriguez, I'm a huge fan of your work."* He noted before turning and handing the cashier the amount with change before grabbing his bags. Camila nodded before placing her items on the conveyor, looking up at the mystery man with a shrug.

"You know my friends call me Cami and thanks. I'm actually in town to do some shoots with the street racers here, supposedly that is. My manager has the details of it all." Camila hummed before reaching into her purse and grabbing her money, handing a twenty and a ten to the girl behind the register. She handed back the right change before Cami grabbed her bag and followed the mystery man outside. As Cami felt the cold nip at her cheeks again she winced, pulling her hood up and hiding her from the chilling breeze.

"Say, there's a race tonight. I could take you if you wanted to." The man offered, his cheeky smile dimming to a boyish smirk. Camila had to think before shrugging and nodding. It would be good to talk to others about the races seeing as she had never really been to one.

"Yeah, sure! But isn't it odd that I have no idea who you are but you know exactly who I am?"

"Oh jeez, I'm sorry! I'm Micah Abdul. I'm actually a racer." Micah rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed that he had forgotten to tell her his basic information. Camila smiled and bowed her head.

"It's nice to meet you Micah, now I really gotta get home and get these groceries put up." Camila raised her arm in a wave and turned to start walking back to her apartment. Hurried footsteps rushed towards her and she yelped when her bag was snatched from her hands. Spinning on her heels she glared up at a grinning Micah.

"What kind of man would I be if I let a woman such as yourself walk home? I'll take you" He offered and Camila sighed before shaking her head and laughing slightly. So after she nodded they walked to his car which was this gorgeous faded cherry red with black accents. Camila absolutely loved it and ran her hand across the side while Micah put the bags in the trunk. When that was done Micah hurried to the passenger door and opened it for Camila. Playfully rolling her eyes, she sat in the ridiculously comfortable seats and melted into it. Micah found himself staring again and quickly averted his eyes before shutting the door and running around to jump into the driver's seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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