Temptations Too Sweet To Resist

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"Ah.. Ah.. Haa- Fuck!" Obito shouted, gliding his fingers off his nagging cock to drape his sweaty forearms over his head, rocking back in his computer chair. The backrest groaned and creaked under his weight, adding to his strained huffs.

"Fuck," he sighed to the ceiling with heavy breaths. He planted his feet on the scratched faux wood floor of his kitchen and swiveled side to side to give himself something to do to keep his mind off his computer screen.

Eventually he forced himself to shut his eyes from the temptations altogether.

And as usual, his resilience didn't last long until he was rolling his chair back to his desk and moving his keyboard out of the way. Not touching himself yet, but preparing to unload all his resentment onto the unobtainable tits bouncing on the video feed, covered in baby oil.

The burn of sexual frustration set his teeth on edge, and he deserved it.

He knew he shouldn't give in to his impulses to check social media while he was at work, but he found it easier to focus on his client's paperwork when he did. All the legal jargon unbraided itself to be understood when he gave in. Just a little. He didn't cross any lines or anything; he wasn't unprofessional. Even in the closed door privacy of his office, he opened things like innocent tweets giving insight into the daily life of the sole person he was interested in. Nothing more. Especially not photos.

Those sins were saved for when he was home.

Except today. When he fat fingered the Snapchat notification open instead of swiping it off screen. Sure, he should've stopped opening the pictures and saving them to his phone after the first one, but the urge swelling forth to the palm of his hand under his desk lured him into neglecting the rational, practical side of his mind.

And as awful as the pinpricks of sudden anxiety were, stabbing his face red, the lewd photoset thanking an anonymous person for their generous gift of a new set of lilac lingerie wore his pant's zipper uncomfortably tight until he could shove his hands in his pockets and avoid eye contact with his coworkers in the elevator.

They were discussing where they would go for drinks to blow off some steam and bitch about certain clients and their unreasonable expectations; they didn't extend the invitation to him of course, but Obito didn't mind. He had plans tonight, as he did most nights. Every night.

Normally it was fun having something to look forward to after a long day at work, so lust-crazed in his rush to ease his aching body into his chair and flip through the photos in a mad dash to consume them and get his dick hard before the stream started at 8:00PM on the dot; sustaining the suspense in glimpses throughout the hours in the form of text updates about his favorite girl's day, what she ate, what her hobbies were; all to lead up to the pinnacle of teasing photosets advertising the theme of the camshow that evening, throwing in a nude here and there for people like him who paid for the privilege of viewing such things.

Now the dull pang in his stomach reminded him why he refrained from such irresponsible actions outside his home.

His balls were fucking crying out for relief. The tip of his cock throbbed another bead of anticipation dripping down his shaft.

God, no man should have to go through the torture of edging himself after being pent up for hours on end.

The mistake of peeping at the pictures in his office combined with the rumble of train ride home vibrating his erection against the taut fabric of his trousers had him foaming at the mouth.

Obito dragged a hand down his exhausted face, wiping the dewy sweat from his forehead onto the hand towel laid out on his desk waiting to be sullied. Moving the bottle of lube blocking his keyboard, he managed to type a message in chat worthy of a giggle in his earbuds, despite being so horny every pulse of his heart redirected his blood anywhere but his dehydrated brain.

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