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**don't read if you haven't read the luciano series

it's empty here without you,
your office remains intact.

no one talks anymore,
vince rarely shows his face.

rosie calls your phone every night,
like she did rico, but to no avail,
you'll never pick up again.

we thought dominic was getting better,
he started to take more drugs.

fi twists your wedding ring between her fingers every time she tries to keep in the tears.

the tears? they don't stop.
not for anyone.

i still feel your warmth from the last time i held you.

i'll never get to hug you again,
i'll never get to hear you again.

i miss your advice, your guidance for the empire.

i hope you forgive me for any trouble i have caused,
for not seeing the bullet before it got to you,
for not taking it instead of you.

say hi to dad for me.

i miss you both dearly.

goodbye mom,
i love you,

for all eternity,
~ your son, liam

i wrote this after jai's death; insta saw it first.

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