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𝕽𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒

1. Full name.
2. Nicknames.
3. Preferred name.
4. Age.
5. Gender.
6. Pronouns.
7. Face claim.
8. Backup faceclaim.
9. Background.
10. Personality.
12. Dislikes.
13. Strength.
14. Weaknesses.
15. Connection to Eliades.
16. Extra (include weapon of choice).
17. Password.
19. Aesthetics and colours.
20. Tags (3+).

Here's a map I made, it's messy and horrible but should give you a better overview of the world

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Here's a map I made, it's messy and horrible but should give you a better overview of the world. Have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

People I thought would be interested, sorry if you're not!

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People I thought would be interested, sorry if you're not!

Cynarr Biscuit501 Darkblaze450 x_Fovvsie_x katrocity bbybttrfly Avengers14

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