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Season 1 ep 1

Leyla Miller's life had been turned completely upside-down when her girlfriend Alex cheated on her. She didn't want to admit it, but she had been devastated. She had genuinely cared about Alex. Although clearly not enough to avoid getting cheated on. Maybe that's what she desevred after deciding to break multiple rules by dating her boss. Now she was not only single, but without a job as well. Maybe she just wasn't meant to fall in love.

"Now boarding flight A20 to Los Angeles" Leyla looked up from the half eaten sandwhich she held in her hand, tossing it into the trashcan she sat next to before heading to where her flight was boarding. Leyla continued to play the whole span of her and Alex's relationship as she made her way towards the middle of the plain. 'I'm definitely, totally over Alex' Leyla thought to herself as she put a carry-on bag at either side of her, hoping to avoid sharing a row of seats with anyone else. 'Completely over her' Leyla thought to herself again.

Leyla stretched as she woke up from a long nap, trying not to hit either of the two people she had inevitably ended up sitting next to. It was a long flight from London (Where Leyla had lived for a year), to LA.

"Leyla, it's been too long. Too long" Leyla hears the familiar voice of her brothers best friend Schmidt.

"Hi, Schmidt" the younger miller replies, fake annoyance in her voice, as he makes an attempt to hug her.

By the time everyone had finished greeting Leyla, her suitcase (a teal adidas duffle bag) had begun to pass by on the baggage carousel. She ran to grab it, ignoring Schmidt who was not so secretly checking her out.

Leyla lie sprawled across her new apartment floor, procrastinating unpacking. 'You have to do it eventually' the light brown haired girl says to herself as she pulls at a piece of loose string on her shirt. Yet, she continues to lay there, staring at her one duffle bag, then back up at the celing. The rest of her things would arrive either in a uhaul soon or amazon packages within a few weeks.

She remained on the floor about five minutes, before she decided to get up. Not to unpack her bag, but instead to see what her brother and his friends across the hall were up to.

The Miller girl was not expecting to walk in on what seemed like some sort of extremely unprofessional interview. Nick and Coach sat on the couch a shirtless Schmidt in-between them. In the chair next to the couch sat a girl who Leyla heard introduce herself as Jessica.

"I can already tell there's been atleast five douche bag jar moments during this interaction" Leyla says to herself quietly before shutting the door a little too loudly. Everybody turned to face her as they hadn't relaized she was entering the apartment before.

"This is my sister Leyla" Nick introduces his sister to Jess, both girls wave to the other in response.

"Yeah, so full disclosure. I'm kind of emotional right now, because of the breakup, so I'll probablybe watching Dirty Dancing atleast 6 or 7 times a day. I'm a teacher so I bring home a lot of popsicle sticks, stuff like that. Also I like to sing to myself, a lot, a lot. I'm tired of living with my best friend, she's a model, all her friends are models-"

"how soon can you move in?" Schmidt interupted Jess's second monologue since the ten minutes they had known her.

"Actually, Schmidt slow down"

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