Chapter 1

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It's a normal day and your walking home from school like you always do when you get the strange feeling that your being followed. You look around you yet nobody is to be seen, you keep walking her fasten your pace just in case. You reach an isolated alleyway when you hear a loud bang coming from behind a big green dumpster, your first thought is not to go anywhere near it seeing in horror movies that's the worst thing you could do but then you hear your name coming from the alley. You slowly walk down the alley, "hello?" You say a bit freaked out that's when you get pulled behind the dumpster up against a wall. "We need your help" says a familiar man, he's wearing blue clothes and a red cape he also has blackish brown hair and a short stubbly beard. "We?" You say in confusion seeing there's only one person here, "this may be confusing but all you have to do is say yes then go home and fall asleep, I'll do the rest" says the man. "Yes" you reply still not 100% sure what's going on, you suddenly realise what you've done "wait-" you say but it's too late he's already gone.

You continue on your journey back to your apartment, you can't stop thinking about what will happen once you fall asleep. Once you arrive home you place your bag on the kitchen counter and walk into the living room, you decide to just try your best to stay awake for tonight as you have no idea what could happen once you close your eyes and to be honest your not too thrilled to find out. you walk over to your tv and start scrolling through Disney+, you figure your need something to do to keep yourself awake. you find a movie called captain America and the winter soldier which interests you, you click on it and end up watching at least half of the marvel movie. unfortunately your eyes started to drift closed halfway through the guardians of the galaxy Vol 2 and you fall asleep. you open your eyes to see a familiar man standing over you "she's awake" says the man who you can't quite place. you sit up to see a group of people standing in front of you, and that's when it hits you. no literally a ceiling tile falls and hits you on the head "oh my god, are you ok?" says a red headed women in a slightly frightened tone.

suddenly you remember who all of these people are, "hey! your the guys from those movies... how is this even possible!!". "what- what movies?!" says one of them "banner you might wanna check her for a concussion" says another. "no no I'm fine, I just don't understand how I'm here!" you say in shock "oh well strange found you unconscious outside the compound and brought you inside to make sure your okay" says the red head. you look around and see the same person who pulled you behind the dumpster, you stand up "what the hell is happening to me" you yell. "y/n! glad to see your awake, I've been expecting you". "ok this is getting weird, lets give them a minute" says the red head who then walks out followed but the rest of them. "what the hell did you do to me and how can I undo it!" you ask in confusion and frustration but mostly anger, "oh y/n! y/n, y/n, y/n... you cant wake up! this is not a dream y/n, this is 100% real to get back to your reality you must save mine first". "how the hell am I supposed to save your reality when I can barely cook a frozen pizza in mine!" you say not quite yelling but speaking really loud so everyone can hear you. "quiet down y/n! this isn't like your old reality, you have special ability's and powers in this world! I spent months designing this version of you. "well what are my powers and abilities then?" you say a little less worked up but still frustrated, "I can't tell you that, patience is key" reply's strange. "seriously I don't even want to be he-" you try to say but his already gone

you walk out to the others "Well hi I guess, I'm y/n, and you are?" you ask. "My names Wanda and this is Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Peter and Sam" replies Wanda "I take it your the avengers?" you say, "wow great observation" sarcastically reply's Bucky. "may I ask how you got here? the compound is pretty isolated, I mean do you have anywhere to go kid?" asks Steve in confusion. "I have no idea how I got here and no, I don't have anywhere to go" you reply in a confused and unaware tone, "you can stay here for a while, we've got plenty of room for ya kid. you can take the room next to Natasha's" say tony completely calm and not at all fazed by anything that just happened. "Thank you for the offer but I really couldn't" you reply, your not about to stay in a house with a bunch of strangers you've never met. "no no I insist, peter show her to her room" says tony in a demanding voice, you think about it a little bit then follow peter to your room, I mean they are superhero's! what could possibly go wrong? "this is you" says peter opening a door "Mr stark will probably have left some spare clothes in the closet if you wanna get cleaned up". "Okay, thanks peter" you say shutting the door before he could even say your welcome.

You take a shower and get changed into some high waist flare jeans and a pink tank top with a red mushroom on it. you walk around the compound just to get a feel of the place and find out where everything is, you walk into a room with a bunch of scientists using chemicals to make all kinds of things. You walk over to take a look at what they are doing but being honest you don't really understand it so you head towards the door, your stop at the door as you notice when of the scientists are following you. "Can I help you?" you ask trying not to sound frightened "I just thought you were cute and was wondering if maybe you'd like to come out with me sometime" he reply's. "Thanks but I'm good" you say continuing on praying he will leave you alone yet no matter your desperation he doesn't give up "come on it will be fun" he continues. "still good" you say fastening your pace, he then grabs your waist "come on, you know you want to" he says. "I said no!" you say angrily as you turn around and punch him in the face, you quickly cover your mouth with your hand realising what you had done. Blood was streaming down his face its very likely he has a broken nose.

"that was quite a punch" said a voice coming from behind you, you turn around to see Natasha standing in the hallway "looks like I underestimated you". "I didn't mean too I swear!" you say scared of what consequences might follow "its fine, He was a jerk I wont tell anyone if you don't" says Natasha with a grin on her face. "Okay... but why are you being so nice to me? We barely know each other..." you say in confusion, "I guess I just see something in you" says Natasha shooting you a smile.

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