Chapter 2

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"So let's see what you can do" says Natasha, you stand in front of Bucky with your fists out only slightly nervous. You take a swing but he dodges it making you frustrated, you quickly stomp on his toe as a distraction then flip him over your shoulder. He groans in pain as he hits the floor, he gets up extremely mad. He try's to hit you using his metal arm, you quickly put your hands in front of your face as instinct and just as Bucky's metal arm was about to hit you a blue cloud appeared catching his arm then throwing him against the wall. "Ok, ok I've seen enough" says tony, you look down at your hands in shock "did I do that?" You ask in surprise. "I don't see who else could have done it" reply's Steve.  "She just got lucky" says Bucky in anger, "y/n I think banner should check you out just in case, Wanda was extremely unstable when she got her powers" says Steve ignoring Bucky's comment.

Tony escorts you down to Bruce's lab, "I'm probably not supposed to tell you this but if all goes well I could be looking at the newest avenger" says tony with not even a smile yet you could tell from his voice that he was happy about it. You arrive at Bruce's lab and sit on a spare chair, "do you have any  nausea, stomach pain, pins and needles or a headache?" Ask Bruce as he shines a bright light in your eye. "no I feel completely fine" you say as you move the torch out of your face. "She should be good to go, although I would like to do some tests so we can find out more about your powers" says Bruce. Tony leaves the room to have a meeting with the rest of the group while Bruce continues to stab you with needles and grabbing DNA samples.

you walk out of Bruce's lab to find Steve and tony standing outside, "yes?" you ask as you continue walking. "Congrats kid, your in" reply's Steve with a slight smile on his face you can tell he was trying to hide but couldn't help himself, "Ok cool" you say as you continue walking not even taking a look back. "cool?" tony says "you would think someone who just got welcomed into earth mightiest hero's would be at least a tiny bit grateful", "I should be grateful? thanks  but I didn't ask for any of this" you reply as you basically slam your door in their faces. "I like her" says Natasha walking around the corner, "yeah well you better hope she starts behaving if you want to keep her" says Steve. "are you serious? "keep her" she isn't a dog, she's a human being just like you and me" says Nat then silently storming off down the hall. "how is it we managed to piss off two of the strongest girls we know in less then five minutes?" asks tony "I have that affect in some people" says Steve as he gets back to work.

"how did you do that? I've never met anyone like you, everyone else practically kneels down to people like Steve and Tony" says Nat she says catching up with you, "I don't know, this avengers stuff doesn't really seem that great to me, I mean yeah you guys save the world and that but its not like your life is luxurious" you respond. "I mean you've been through shit too your honestly not that different from everyone else" you add, "wow, for a person we found lying on the street your pretty intelligent" replies Natasha. "Seeing your part of the team now I assume you know what's going on later today?" asks Natasha, "Nope, We didn't quiet get that far, I don't think they're my biggest fans" you reply with a slight smile on your face. "Its nothing big, at the end of every week we have a team bonding exercise but seeing you just joined tony decided to move it up a few days, we can share a car if you'd like" replies Natasha in a friendly tone. "I would love that thanks! I'm just gonna head out and get a few things for my room but ill see you later for the team bonding activity" you say while waving and heading for the doors

you walk into target to buy the stuff you need, a tooth brush, tooth paste, some snacks and some room decorations to make the compound feel a little more like home. while you wait in line you order some clothes and jewellery online just to try and make this whole thing seem a little less weird. as you approach the counter you feel at least 20 sets of eyes on you and what seems like thousands of whispers saying "omg! is that y/n?" and "That's the new avenger". you check your notifications and roll your eyes at the announcement tony posted about you being the newest team member. You place your items on the counter and stand there awkwardly as you watch the cashier slowly scan each and every item, "cash or card?" asks the cashier "oh card please" you say with a smile as you pat your pockets looking for your card. "shit, I guess I left it at the compound" you say with an awkward smile, your about to leave when the person standing behind you taps you on the shoulder. "hi I couldn't help but overhear that you left your card, I would be happy to pay for you stuff I mean your practically a superhero I owe you this" they say, "oh that's really generous but its oka-" you start to say but get interrupted "no no I insist" they say handing the card to the cashier. you shoot them a smile and reply with "thank you", the cashier puts your items into a paper bag and sends you on your way.

you arrive at the compound just in time, Natasha's waiting outside the car, you quickly run upstairs to your room put your stuff down and change into a pink tank top with a mushroom on it and a pair of high waist denim shorts. you run back downstairs and hop into the car next to Natasha, "your really wearing that to training?" she asks with an added eyebrow raise. "no matter how plain a women may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face she will be beautiful" your reply while looking out the window, "no no, you look great believe me I'm just wondering if denim shorts were the best choice for exercise" she replies. "maybe not but I'll survive" you reply giving her a quick smile, after a very awkward 10 minutes filled with small talk and awkward silences you reach you destination. 

you and Natasha jump out of the car and meet the avengers who somehow are already here waiting for you. "about time Romanoff" states Steve, "I'm just happy she hasn't scared off my new recruit yet" replies tony with a sarcastic smirk on his face. "your recruit? please- from what I've heard she could kick you ass in seconds" replies Natasha with a fed up smile, "well why don't we put that to the test?" asks tony as he looks at you with a confident smile on his face. "your on old man" you say trying to sound brave but failing.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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