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It was another day in Saiki's life, where he found himself waking up earlier than usual. 5am. A time Saiki usually found himself, waking up at this strange time.

And from here on out, Saiki's day only gets worse, as he constantly gets annoyed by all types of people, Teruhashi, Nendo and the worst most disgusting pervert of all, Toritsuka. Much to Saiki's dismay, that filthy pervert he dislikes so much, needs him today.

Saiki can already hear everyone's thoughts as they wake up, one persons voice imparticular catches his attention, Toritsuka.

'I wonder if Saiki will help me today! I'll corner him and he will have no choice but to help me! I'm going to find that pervert who steals the girls clothes and return them. Then all the girls will see me as a hero, and they'll go on dates with me and show me their boobs!'

Saiki frowned at Toritsuka's perverted thoughts.

He unwillingly rolled out of bed, thudding harshly on the floor. As he yawned and sluggishly made his to the bathroom, the pink haired boy then stood infront on the mirror, grabbing a comb. Using it to comb his hair.

He then brushed his teeth, making his way down for breakfast, where his mother met him, setting food down on the table for both her son, and her husband.

Saiki knew something was up, from the moment he stepped downstairs.

"Kusuooo, will you be a good son for your dear old dad and teleport me to work" His dad whined, giving puppy dog eyes.

While Saiki wanted his dad to be more independent, he just agreed, to shut him up. Hence, continuing on with a somewhat quiet morning. After breakfast, he quickly teleported his dad to work, then himself, to school. When he arrived he slipped on his ring.

While usually he would walk, Saiki wanted to read in the class room, without any distractions from Kaidou or Nendo.

He sat down, got his favourite manga out, and begun to read. After two pages, an annoying medium burst through the door.

"Saiki! This is urgent! Someone has been stealing womens clothes, and i plan to get them back!" Toritsuka yelled, sounding cocky.

Saiki just shook his head.

Toritsuka fell to his knees by Saiki's desk and began to beg him. None stop talking for a solid five minutes. While Saiki zoned out, giving his dead stare at Toritsuka to show him he wasn't at all interested, but Toritsuka was too busy ranting to notice. Suddenly the purple haired boy stopped, a smug smile on his face.

"Saiki, if you don't agree. I'll kiss you." Toritsuka spoke, the smuggest grin appearing on his face.

This was something he could do without, and as much as he hated it, this time he definitely had no other option. As Saiki sighed, about to give in, he set his book down with a bookmark in. Then turned to Toritsuka. The medium slammed his hands down onto Saiki's desk leaning in. As Toritsuka gave him a quick kiss, expecting Saiki to either punch him, or kill him.

But that didn't happen, the two had fully locked lips. Both just as shocked as each other. Saiki's face turned sour with a slight blush on his face. As he threw a table at Toritsuka using telekinesis. While the medium, was still blushing, not expecting his first kiss to be with Saiki of all people. Thankfully, nobody else saw.

As people started to pile into the classroom Toritsuka had no choice but to get up.

"Saiki are you in?" he looked over for reassurance.

Saiki gave him a sigh and then nodded, as Toritsuka then began to skip out of the classroom and into his own. Saiki had no other choice. But he had a plan, to ditch Toritsuka, it is mean, and yes it would be night. But it's a school he's going to be alright by himself.

As the school day went on slowly, now it was time for lunch, where Saiki went onto the roof, to catch a break. Toritsuka opened the door of the roof and spotted Saiki laying down.

"Hey Saiki, meet me at 10pm tonight. At the school entrance." He spoke, giving a thumbs up.

Saiki once more, sighed and nodded. All he wanted was some quiet time. This was the only chance he has for today. Toritsuka took the signal to leave, and did exactly that, not wanting to annoy the tired boy even more.

The day quickly ended, and soon 10pm approached. Saiki didn't want to go, and in-fact, didn't have to. He lay down onto his bed, shutting his eyes. Falling into a deep sleep.

His ability's kicked in, showing the future:

Toritsuka sighed at the lack of his friends appearance.

'Oh well, he's probably watching over me right now anyway!' The mediums thoughts said.

Toritsuka walked into the building, flashlight in hand. He moved around the light, illuminating everything he could. The floorboards creaked, crows could be heard.

"From what i've heard the culprit only steals at night, so i'll stand watch of the entire school." he said, slowly loosing his confidence.

The medium made his way up to the second floor, the stairs squeaking as he stepped, Toritsuka had noticed the ghosts who would usually be around, weren't, and instead. It was silent. This gave him the creeps.

Reaching the second floor slowly, Toritsuka made his way down the corridor, each noise made him jump worse than the last.

He heard a noise, a bang in fact. As Toritsuka jumped and screamed, he also knew he had to figure this out. So he slowly made his way to the noise.

Something was on the floor, womens clothes.
He picked up the clothes, trying to see who's it belonged to, as he heard a noise behind him. Turning to face the noise, he saw a woman, and that was all he saw.

But Saiki saw what actually happened, the girl had picked up a fire extinguisher, as she heard noise, a scream and more. As she saw Toritsuka holding her clothes, except she didn't know it was him.

The woman stressed, not knowing what to do she shut her eyes tight and began to attack him, hitting him in the head with the fire extinguisher. Multiple times in fact.

Until she had the courage to open her eyes, and saw just who it was, she realised. She was a murderer, and killed a man. Someone from her school in fact. She ran out of the building crying, not sure what to do.

Saiki had just witnessed all of this.

Even he didn't know what to do, Saiki was just, stunned. He did expect something like this to happen eventually, for his perverted ways. But he didn't expect, this.

Saiki knew he had to do something, he was seeing all of this for a reason. To stop it, he woke up determined, ready to stop his perverted friends death.

When he woke up, Toritsuka was sat on Saiki's bed.

'Thank God you're okay.' Saiki sent the message telepathically.

Toritsuka turned to Saiki, a tear in his eye, and reached his hand out to touch Saiki. But he went through the pink haired boy. Saiki's eyes widened, stuck in shock.


Okay uhhh so like yeah
i hope u liked it-

Also i need friends so like if anyone wants to talk or anything then like my disc is
ur moms lover<3#6965

i haven't written in awhile so i do apologise for any mistakes or anything.
I do plan to keep updating this so!

In love with a ghost: Toritsuka x SaikiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt