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With Toritsuka sat infront of Saiki, unaware of his condition. He smiled brightly.

"Hey Saiki! I don't remember how i got here, but oh well!" Toritsuka spoke.

Saiki just smiled softly, his unusual mood throwing the purple haired boy off. Although the other was dead he couldn't help feel somewhat grateful, but also a dread, knowing he would have to break the news to the boy.

Toritsuka edged closer to Saiki, not understanding why the other was zoned out.

As he went to prod the pink haired boy, his finger went through the other. With realisation beginning to set in.

"Saiki... Am i.. dead?" Toritsuka said, a clear look of sadness plastered onto his face.

While the other just nodded slightly, not wanting to say the words, knowing how upset the other is.

And weirdly enough, seeing his friend like this upset him. Perhaps it was because of that kiss yesterday, even Saiki didn't have an answer.

The pink haired boy turned over to the other, ready to comfort him.

However Toritsuka jumped into the air, a smile on his face.

"I can check out girls panties now!!!" Screamed the ghost.

Saiki sighed, he knew that he should've expected the fact that he would be happy just so that he could perv on girls again.

'Don't get too excited. I'm going to find a way for you to return back to life, if it's the last thing i do.' Saiki said telepathically.

Toritsuka groaned but nodded, as he muttered under his breath, calling Saiki nicknames, as he 'ruined his fun'.

The pink haired boy smiled gently.

As the boy, sat up. He began to use his powers to turn back time, in order to save Toritsuka.

Yet he only had one shot at this.

If he tried to do it more than once, he could create a serious change in the world. Which could lead to something worse, which he didn't want to risk.

And now.

Here he was, the day before. This time he was sat in the classroom in the morning, reading.

And as on que, the formally dead boy, burst into the empty classroom.

"Saiki! This is urgent! Someone has been stealing womens clothes, and i plan to get them back!" Toritsuka yelled, sounding cocky.

Saiki naturally shook it head.

Damnit, I forgot to say yes. It's fine he'll beg in a second, i can just say yes then. He thought.

"Saiki, if you don't agree. I'll kiss you." Toritsuka spoke, the smuggest grin appearing on his face yet again.

The whole scene was replaying, exactly how it did before.

Fine. I'm in. Okay? I'll go. 10pm right? Saiki said telepathically.

Toritsuka cheered, excited for his get together. He went to run out the classroom and looked back, with a thumbs up and a stupid smile on his face.

Unfortunately, Saiki had an odd soft spot for this pervert. Thinking about him left a soft smile on his face.

While both boys were separated, they both couldn't help but wished they had kissed.

Soon the meeting time had arrived.

Saiki came a little earlier, not wanting to risk the fact that Toritsuka might go in alone.

However, Saiki's dad walked past. He was finishing late this time.

"Oh Kusuo! Be a good son and teleport me back pleaseeeee..." His father spoke.

Saiki shook his head, yet his father kept persisting.

"I have some coffee jelly's that have your name on if you teleport me back" His dad tried one last time.

Saiki's eyes lit up at the words coffee jelly. He quickly checked the time. Seeing he had 5 minutes before the other would arrive. He knew he had time.

While the boy used his ability's to teleport him and his dad home.

He then sat down quickly at the table, eating the jelly as fast as he could, practically choking on it. Yet not fast enough so he couldn't cherish the flavours.

Once he was done, he quickly thanked his dad. Then teleported back to his original location.

With no Toritsuka in sight.

Saiki checked the time once more. It was still early, and so he waited.

And waited, yet the other didn't arrive.

Maybe he got distracted looking at those 18+ magazines. I'll just check inside of the building to make sure he's not in there.

A quick check using clairvoyance, confirmed that nobody was inside, except that one girl who had originally killed Toritsuka.

The boy began to worry a bit. He teleported to Toritsuka's home, checked the rooms using his clairvoyance.


Saiki began to search the streets, trying to find his friend.

No luck once more.

Until he heard a yell, it was his name, and the voice sounded that of his friends.

A spark appeared in his eyes. As he teleported to the sound of the voice.

A smile appeared on his face to see his friend was standing and okay.

Until he looked down, where Toritsuka's body lay.

"Hey Saiki don't worry about me, i can look under girls skirts now!" The purple haired boy laughed.

Saiki didn't know what to say. He felt guilty, he should've tried harder. This was the only chance he had to save his friend.

Toritsuka smiled softly, knowing his friend was upset.

"Don't worry, please." Toritsuka spoke.

I'm sorry i failed you, i tried my best. I should've tried harder. Saiki spoke telepathically to the other.

Toritsuka didn't know what to do. He could tell the other was upset. As he pulled the other into a warm embrace, and burried his head in Saiki's shoulder.

Uhh end of episode 2
Hope y'all liked it cause i wrote this while watching the croods😍😍

Also i need friends so like if anyone wants to talk or anything then like my disc is
ur moms lover<3#6965

Also i need friends so like if anyone wants to talk or anything then like my disc is ur moms lover<3#6965

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yw <3
anyway bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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