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     When Izumi was twelve, they thought they would be a great hero. They thought they could do anything with the power given to them by their parents and grandparents. Izumi was born and bred for greatness, the product of a quirk marriage between two wealthy families. They thought they could do anything within the range of imagination - that is until the Harutos decided to visit their extended family.

     About a month after their little brother's third birthday, Izumi's family took a road trip out to the country to see their aunts and uncles in Japan. It had been a fun week full of childish games and new foods that most people never would have heard from. But on the way back, Izumi's little brother, Tenshi, had an epileptic seizure, and the family stopped everything to get help. They were in an area with no service and it was so dark and foggy, they weren't able to see incoming cars.

     The Haruto family thought they were alone on the road, their car stalled in the center with everyone huddled around little Tenshi. No one saw the high beams coming up behind the car, Izumi turning just in time to protect themself. At the moment of impact, the teen found themself standing at the base of the cliff, watching the car tumble down the rocks as blood coated the slowly shattering windows. Izumi watched in horror as the car landed upside down in a shallow river, the hand of her older brother falling out of the rear passenger window.

     The teen fell on their butt and watched as a light flame was put out by the rushing water, blood, and oil flowing down and staining the mud and grass. Izumi shook as tears flowed down their teeth, screaming at themself for not having saved their family. What good was teleportation if they could only transport themself? What good was life if they had no one to devote it to? These thoughts ran through Izumi's head as they shook and tried to assess their situation.

     Izumi looked down at their arms and glared at the shrapnel that had lodged itself in their arms. "Why not me..." As blood ran down their limbs, they shakily reached into their pocket and pulled out their phone, seeing that they had one bar of service. They dialed 110 and tried to keep their composure as the operator asked what their emergency was. All they could say was, "Help..."

     Now fourteen, Izumi found themself replaying that foggy night in their head, skipping every song that came on shuffle. The white-haired teen had been taken in by their extended family in Musutafu as the rest of their living family either had a criminal record or were deemed financially unfit to care for a child. Izumi sat up in bed and plodded over to their bedroom door, cracking it open and looking down the hallway. It was currently 2:45 AM and they couldn't sleep, Space Cowboy enveloping their senses as they tiptoed across the hardwood floor. They made their way to the kitchen and opened the pantry, grabbing a bag of Kaki no Tane and a monster from the fridge, then made their way back to their room. On the way, they almost stepped on the family cat, squatting down to pet her.

     "Izumi?" The teen flinched and looked up to see her adoptive brother (technically her cousin), Izuku, rubbing his eyes and staring down at Izumi. "Why are you drinking that stuff so early? You know that's not good for you, right?"

     "Can't sleep." Izumi stood up and looked down at Izuku, ruffling his green hair. "Why are you up so late, Izu?"

     "Can't sleep." Izumi smiled and handed the green-eyed boy the drink. "Maybe you're right. I'm gonna play Mario Kart. Wanna join?"

     "No, thanks. We gotta get up early for school." Izumi watched as Izuku went to the kitchen to put the drink back in the fridge. Sighing, they went back to their room and shut the door, tearing open the snack package and shoving fistfuls of the rice crackers into their mouth. Izumi grabbed the remote and turned on their TV, turning the volume all the way down and hooking up their Nintendo Switch. They played until the sun began shining through their curtains, turning off the system and yawning. "Fuck, not again..." Izumi rushed to throw on their school uniform, almost forgetting their binder and stack of random bracelets and rings.

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